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Additional services and compatible products for a dedicated server
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Additional services and compatible products for a dedicated server

Additional services

Additional services with one-time payment and pay as you go server plan can be ordered only after delivery of the dedicated server. The list of services may vary depending on the selected configuration.

You can order it:

When renting a server on a daily basis, you can only order additional services with their own payment period.

Additional services with payment according to the server tariff plan

Bound to a dedicated server plan and are paid with it. You can view the connected services in control panel under Servers and hardwareServers → server page → tab Services.

Software licensing and leasing

You can order: 1C licenses, control panels. Licenses are provided for a specific dedicated server. You can order licenses in control panels on the server page → tab Services → block Available services. Maximum license activation period — up to two working days

Additional IPv4 and IPv6 address blocks

Additional IPv4 and IPv6 address blocks

Increase of guaranteed bandwidth/traffic consumption limit

Increases the bandwidth (in 10 Mbps increments) or traffic (in 3 TB increments) consumption limit. The limit is determined by the consumption pattern selected when ordering the server

Redundant connection (MC-LAG)

Service for servers configured with redundant NIC and MC-LAG. Increases the reliability of the server's Internet connection. The server is connected to a pair of independent switches by two different links with a specified data rate

Additional services with their own payment period

Paid according to the tariff plan selected when ordering the service. You can view the connected services in control panels under Servers and hardwareNetwork → tab Services.

Additional IPv4 and IPv6 address blocks

Additional IPv4 and IPv6 address blocks

Announcement of PI prefix of IP addresses

Service for owners of PI (provider-independent) IP addresses. Announces PI IP address prefix through Selectel AS (autonomous system)

BGP connection

Service for owners of their own AS (autonomous system). Organizes connectivity with Selectel AS (standalone system) using BGP connection

Additional services with one-time payment

Payable only at the time of service activation. Not displayed in the connected services on the server page in the control panel.

One-time payment for lane/traffic excesses

One-time payment for exceeding the bandwidth/traffic limit. The limit is determined by the consumption model selected when ordering the server

Temporary IP-KVM connection for Chipcore Line servers

Hardware IP-KVM connection for 3 hours. To order the service in control panels open the server page → tab Services → block Available services. When ordering the service, a hardware IP-KVM will be connected to the server. We will send the connection data to ticket. More information about working with IP-KVM in the manual IP-KVM. You cannot connect hardware IP-KVM to servers with a KVM console

Pay for additional services

The cost of additional services can be viewed at or in control panels under Servers and hardwareServers → server page → tab Services.

Additional services are charged with main or bonus balance.

Depending on the type of service, it is covered:

  • on the day of the next payment of the dedicated server — services with payment according to the tariff plan of the server;
  • on the next service payment date — services with their own payment period;
  • one-time — services with a one-time fee.

Pay for the service with payment according to the server tariff plan

Fee-based services are linked to the tariff plan of the dedicated server, renewed and paid automatically together with it.


For example, an additional service is connected in the middle of the month (September 15), but the payment day for a dedicated server is at the end of the month (September 30). On the day of payment for the dedicated server, the money for the month of using the service will be deducted from the main balance, then the recalculation will be performed and the overpayment will be returned to the main balance.

The services will continue to be charged until the dedicated server is terminated, even if there is not enough money in the balance. To stop charging, disconnect the service.

Pay for a service with its own payment period

When ordering a service with its own payment period, you must select a payment plan for the service. The tariff plan determines the duration of the paid period and the amount of payment. The first tariff period starts on the day the service is activated.

Actions with a dedicated server do not affect the service status. To stop charging, disconnect the service.

Pay for a service with a one-time fee

Services with a one-time fee are paid at the time of connection and are not automatically renewed.

Compatible products

Firewall rental

Rental of a hardware and software complex (switch, router or firewall) with the possibility of customization to the necessary requirements

Selectel Global Router

Combines servers from different pools and different services (dedicated servers (except some Chipcore Line servers), hardware colocation, Selectel cloud platform, cloud powered by VMware) into a private network using a global router

Basic firewall

Free stateless-firewall for public dedicated subnet. Analyzes and filters all incoming and outgoing IPv4 traffic according to added filtering rules


Solutions for creating and storing backups (backups): Veeam agent, Automatic backup to Object Storage , Backup to File Storage

DDoS protection

Solutions for protection against DDoS attacks in continuous mode: Selectel protection, DDoS Guard L3-L4 protection, DDoS-GUARD protection and site acceleration, Curator protection, WAF Curator protection

Direct ConnectOrganizes a dedicated connection between the external infrastructure and the infrastructure within Selectel
Global ConnectOrganizes a dedicated connection between the global cloud platform and the infrastructure within Selectel
DNS hosting

Ensures the availability of a website or complex web application using Selectel. Allows you to host domains and records on Selectel's DNS servers at no charge, in unlimited numbers

Service administrationAdministration and monitoring of service operation by specialists of Selectel administration team
CDN (content delivery network)

Accelerates static content distribution. Allows you to solve problems related to the quality and speed of content delivery to geographically distributed users, including reducing the load on the main servers of web projects