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Эта инструкция — копия документации Selectel Terraform-провайдера в Terraform Registry.

Provides a list of configuration parameters available for Managed Databases. For more information about configuration parameters, see the official Selectel documentation for PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL for 1C, PostgreSQL TimescaleDB, MySQL semi-sync, MySQL sync, Redis, and Kafka.

Example Usage

data "selectel_dbaas_configuration_parameter_v1" "configuration_parameter_1" {
project_id = selectel_vpc_project_v2.project_1.id
region = "ru-3"

Argument Reference

  • project_id - (Required) Unique identifier of the associated project. Retrieved from the selectel_vpc_project_v2 resource. Learn more about Projects.

  • region - (Required) Pool where the database is located, for example, ru-3. Learn more about available pools in the Availability matrix.

  • filter - (Optional) Values to filter available extensions.

    • datastore_type_id - (Optional) Unique identifier of the datastore type for which you get configuration parameters. You can retrieve information about available datastore types with the selectel_dbaas_datastore_type_v1 data source.

    • name - (Optional) Name of the configuration parameter to search.

Attributes Reference

  • configuration_parameters - List of available configuration parameters.

    • id - Unique identifier of the configuration parameter.

    • datastore_type_id - Unique identifier of the datastore type for which the configuration parameter is available.

    • name - Name of the configuration parameter.

    • type - Type of the configuration parameter.

    • unit - Unit of the configuration parameter. Might be empty.

    • min - Minimum value of the configuration parameter. Might be empty.

    • max - Maximum value of the configuration parameter. Might be empty.

    • default_value - Default value of the configuration parameter. Might be empty.

    • choices - Available choices for the configuration parameter. Some parameters have a list of available options.

    • invalid_values - Invalid values for the configuration parameter. Some parameters have a list of values within a range that are not available for the parameter.

    • is_restart_required - Shows if the database needs a restart to apply changes.

    • is_changeable - Shows if the parameter can be changed.