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Provides information about a zone in Selectel DNS Hosting (actual). For more information about zones, see the official Selectel documentation.

Example Usage

data "selectel_domains_zone_v2" "zone_1" {
name = "example.com."
project_id = selectel_vpc_project_v2.project_1.id

Argument Reference

Attributes Reference

  • comment - Comment for the zone.

  • created_at - Time when the zone was created in the RFC 3339 timestamp format.

  • updated_at - Time when the zone was updated in the RFC 3339 timestamp format.

  • delegation_checked_at - Time when DNS Hosting checked if the zone was delegated to Selectel NS servers in the RFC 3339 timestamp format.

  • last_check_status - Zone status retrieved during the last delegation check.

  • last_delegated_at - Equals to the delegation_check_at argument value when the last_check_status is true.

  • disabled - Shows if the zone is enabled or disabled.