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Эта инструкция — копия документации Selectel Terraform-провайдера в Terraform Registry.

Provides a list of extensions available for Managed Databases. Applicable to PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL TimescaleDB. For more information about extensions, see the official Selectel documentation for PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL TimescaleDB.

Example Usage

data "selectel_dbaas_available_extension_v1" "available_extension_1" {
project_id = selectel_vpc_project_v2.project_1.id
region = "ru-3"

Argument Reference

  • project_id - (Required) Unique identifier of the associated project. Retrieved from the selectel_vpc_project_v2 resource. Learn more about Projects.

  • region - (Required) Pool where the database is located, for example, ru-3. Learn more about available pools in the Availability matrix.

  • filter - (Optional) Values to filter available extensions.

    • name - (Optional) Name of the extension to search.

Attributes Reference

  • available_extensions - List of the available extensions:

    • id - Unique identifier of the extension.

    • name - Extension name.

    • datastore_type_ids - List of datastore types that support the extension.

    • dependency_ids - List of extensions that depend on this extension.