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Spend the reward
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Spend the reward

Remuneration is paid each month not later than the 15th of the month.

Rewards are possible:

Transfer to account balance

The remuneration can be transferred to account balance (single or by type of service) as property, plant and equipment.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Billing.
  2. Go to the section Affiliate ProgramReview.
  3. Click Transfer to the main balance.
  4. Enter the amount of the transfer.
  5. Click Translate.

Withdraw to current account

The minimum amount for withdrawal is 10,000 ₽.

  1. Create a request for withdrawal of remuneration.
  2. Provide original reporting documents.

1. Create an application for withdrawal of remuneration

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Billing.
  2. Go to the section Affiliate ProgramReview.
  3. Click Withdraw funds to current account.
  4. Enter the amount to be transferred to the checking account.
  5. Download the withdrawal request template.
  6. Complete, sign and scan the withdrawal application.
  7. If you are a legal entity or sole proprietorship that operates with a seal, stamp it.
  8. Click Send request. A ticket will automatically be created.
  9. In the ticket, submit a withdrawal request.

2. Provide original documents

You may submit original documents in one of the following ways:

  • through EDO (for documents after July 2024 only) — an electronic signature will be required;
  • or by mail to the Selectel's registered office: 21 Tsvetnaya St., Lit. A, St. Petersburg, 196006, Payment Department.
  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Billing.
  2. Go to the section Affiliate ProgramPapers.
  3. Download any deeds that you have not previously signed or sent.
  4. If you have certificates of services rendered, in the header in the field specify the number according to accounting or "b/n" if no accounting of documents is kept.
  5. If you send original documents by post, sign, sign and seal all acts. When sending documents via EDI, the signature is automatically affixed.
  6. If someone other than the Account Holder signs the certificates, prepare a power of attorney for the signatory. If you have already submitted a power of attorney, you do not need to submit it again during the validity period.
  7. If you are a sole proprietorship and operate without a seal, prepare a notice of lack of a seal for the sole proprietorship.
  8. If you pay VAT and have not sent invoices, prepare these documents.
  9. Send the prepared documents by the chosen method. The money will be credited to the settlement account 5-7 banking days after receipt of the original documents.