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Managed Kubernetes Product Description
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Managed Kubernetes Product Description

Selectel's Managed Kubernetes simplifies the process of deploying, scaling, and maintaining a Kubernetes container infrastructure. Selectel is responsible for version updates, security and operability of Control Plane Kubernetes.

The product supports user types and roles.

Versions of

Versions 1.26.x, 1.27.x, 1.28.x, 1.29.x are supported

How Managed Kubernetes works

Managed Kubernetes runs on Selectel's cloud platform and uses its computing resources for cluster nodes: cloud servers, load balancers, networks, disks.

The container execution environment (CRI) uses containerd. Managed Kubernetes clusters use Calico as CNI.

You can work with the Managed Kubernetes cluster in dashboard, via Managed Kubernetes API or Terraform .

Cluster composition

Managed Kubernetes clusters consist of:

Cluster Types

The type of cluster determines its fault tolerance. Selectel provides two types of Managed Kubernetes clusters:

  • basic — Control Plane is hosted on a single master node in a single pool segment. If the master node is unavailable, Control Plane will not work;
  • fault-tolerant — Control Plane is hosted on three master nodes that run on different hosts in segments of the same pool. If one of the three master nodes is unavailable, Control Plane will continue to run.

You can only select the cluster type when cluster creation. You cannot change the cluster type in a created cluster.


Maximum number of Kubernetes clusters in one region for one project20
Maximum number of node groups in one region for one project100
Maximum number of nodes in one node group15
Maximum number of vCPU nodes32*
Maximum number of node RAM256* GB
Maximum node boot disk size1.2 TB
Maximum number of pods on one node100
Maximum number of PVs per node256
Minimum size of one PV1 GB

*You can create nodes with more vCPUs and RAM — use fixed cloud server configurations.

Areas of responsibility

Selectel provides

  • creation and accessibility of master notes;
  • creation of working nodes;
  • updating versions of the Managed Kubernetes cluster;
  • masternode monitoring;
  • possibility of autoscaling of nodes;
  • Node auto-recovery capability;
  • data storage security in accordance with the requirements of 152-FZ;
  • integration with Selectel services;
  • technical support.

Selectel is not responsible

  • for managing the Managed Kubernetes cluster;
  • node management;
  • application creation;
  • initiating scaling and upgrades.

If you need help with Managed Kubernetes cluster administration, order services administration services.