Эта инструкция — копия документации Selectel Terraform-провайдера в Terraform Registry.
Creates and manages a Managed Kubernetes node group using public API v1. For more information about node groups, see the official Selectel documentation.
Example usage
resource "selectel_mks_nodegroup_v1" "nodegroup_1" {
cluster_id =
project_id = selectel_mks_cluster_v1.cluster_1.project_id
region = selectel_mks_cluster_v1.cluster_1.region
availability_zone = "ru-7a"
nodes_count = 3
cpus = 2
ram_mb = 4096
volume_gb = 20
volume_type = ""
install_nvidia_device_plugin = false
preemptible = false
labels = {
"label-key0": "label-value0",
"label-key1": "label-value1",
"label-key2": "label-value2",
taints {
key = "test-key-0"
value = "test-value-0"
effect = "NoSchedule"
taints {
key = "test-key-1"
value = "test-value-1"
effect = "NoExecute"
taints {
key = "test-key-2"
value = "test-value-2"
effect = "PreferNoSchedule"
Argument Reference
— (Required) Unique identifier of the associated Managed Kubernetes cluster. Changing this creates a new node group. Retrieved from the selectel_mks_cluster_v1 resource. -
— (Required) Unique identifier of the associated project. Changing this creates a new node group. Retrieved from the selectel_vpc_project_v2 resource. Learn more about Projects. -
— (Required) Pool where the cluster is located, for example,ru-7
. Changing this creates a new node group. Learn more about available pools in the Availability matrix. -
— (Required) Pool segment where all nodes of the node group are located. Changing this creates a new node group. Learn more about available pool segments in the Availability matrix. -
— (Required) Number of worker nodes in the node group. Changing this resizes the node group ifenable_autoscale
is false. -
— (Required) Enables or disables installation of the NVIDIA Device Plugin and GPU drivers.
Boolean flag:true
— for flavors with GPU enables installation of the NVIDIA Device Plugin and GPU drivers.false
— for flavors without GPU and flavors with GPU disables installation of the NVIDIA Device Plugin and GPU drivers. Learn more about manual installation of GPU drivers.
— (Optional) Enables or disables the use of preemptible nodes for the node group. Boolean flag, the default value is false. Learn more about Preemptible node groups. -
— (Optional) Number of vCPUs for each node. Can be skipped only whenflavor_id
is set. Changing this creates a new node group. Learn more about Configurations. -
— (Optional) Amount of RAM in MB for each node. Can be skipped only whenflavor_id
is set. Changing this creates a new node group. Learn more about Configurations. -
— (Optional) Volume size in GB for each node. Can be skipped only when flavor_id is set and local_volume istrue
. Changing this creates a new node group. Learn more about Configurations. -
— (Optional) Type of an OpenStack Block Storage volume for each node. Can be skipped only whenflavor_id
is set and the flavor properties contain additional specifications for a local volume. Changing this creates a new node group. Available volume types arefast
, anduniversal
. The format is<volume_type>.<availability_zone>
. Learn more about Network volumes. -
— (Optional) Specifies if nodes use a local volume. Cannot be used with the flavors that have specifications for a local volume. Changing this creates a new node group. Boolean flag, the default value is false. -
— (Optional) Unique identifier of an OpenStack flavor for all nodes in the node group. Changing this creates a new node group. Learn more about Flavors. -
— (Optional) List of Kubernetes labels applied to each node in the node group. -
— (Optional) List of Kubernetes taints applied to each node in the node group. Contains a key-value pair and an effect applied for the taint. Available effects areNoSchedule
, andNoExecute
. Learn more about Taints. -
— (Optional) Name of the SSH key added to all nodes. Changing this creates a new node group. -
— (Optional) Base64-encoded script that worker nodes run on the first boot. Changing this creates a new node group. Learn more about User data. -
— (Optional) Specifies affinity policy of the nodes. Changing this creates a new node group. Available values aresoft-anti-affinity
. The default value issoft-anti-affinity
. For more information about affinity and anti-affinity, see the official Kubernetes documentation. -
— (Optional) Enables or disables autoscaling of the node group. Boolean flag, the default value is false.autoscale_min_nodes
must be specified. Learn more about Autoscaling.-
— (Optional) Minimum number of worker nodes in the node group. -
— (Optional) Maximum number of worker nodes in the node group.
Attributes Reference
— List of nodes in the node group. -
— Type of the node group. Available values areSTANDARD
You can import a node group:
export OS_DOMAIN_NAME=<account_id>
export OS_USERNAME=<username>
export OS_PASSWORD=<password>
export INFRA_PROJECT_ID=<selectel_project_id>
export INFRA_REGION=<selectel_pool>
terraform import selectel_mks_nodegroup_v1.nodegroup_1 <cluster_id>/<nodegroup_id>
— Selectel account ID. The account ID is in the top right corner of the Control panel. Learn more about Registration. -
— Name of the service user. To get the name, in the Control panel, go to Identity & Access Management ⟶ User management ⟶ the Service users tab ⟶ copy the name of the required user. Learn more about Service users. -
— Password of the service user. -
— Unique identifier of the associated project. To get the ID, in the Control panel, go to Cloud Platform ⟶ project name ⟶ copy the ID of the required project. Learn more about Projects. -
— Pool where the cluster is located, for example,ru-7
. To get information about the pool, in the Control panel, go to Cloud Platform ⟶ Kubernetes. The pool is in the Pool column. -
— Unique identifier of the cluster, for example,b311ce58-2658-46b5-b733-7a0f418703f2
. To get the cluster ID, in the Control panel, go to Cloud Platform ⟶ Kubernetes ⟶ the cluster page ⟶ copy the ID at the top of the page under the cluster name, near the region and pool. -
— Unique identifier of the node group, for example,63ed5342-b22c-4c7a-9d41-c1fe4a142c13
. To get the node group ID, in the Control panel, go to Cloud Platform ⟶ Kubernetes. Click the required cluster. The node group ID is at the top of the node group card, near the pool.