Restore operation at the main site after an emergency switchover
Restore operation at the main site after an emergency switchover
After a failover to a backup site, your virtual machine is permanently running in the Selectel cloud. You can synchronize the replicated virtual machine with the stopped virtual machine on the primary site (in your cloud) and set up the replication job again to use the Selectel cloud only in the event of a disaster.
To replicate data from the backup site to the primary site, both sites must have VMware Cloud Director Availability™ version 4.3 or higher installed.
Before restoring the virtual machine to the primary site:
- make sure that the virtual machine being restored and the virtual machine on the backup site have the same number of disks;
- make sure that at least twice as much memory is available in your cloud as is required for the virtual machine being replicated.
Read more about returning to the main site in the instructions Reverse a Replication VMware documentation.
Restore the virtual machine to the main site
- Create a reverse replication job.
- Perform an emergency switchover from the Selectel cloud back to your provider's cloud or On-Premises infrastructure.
- Delete the reverse replication job.
- Optional: so that your virtual machine is protected again, create a new replication job from your site to the Selectel cloud.