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For your information

Эта инструкция — копия документации Selectel Terraform-провайдера в Terraform Registry.

Creates and manages a Managed Kubernetes cluster using public API v1. For more information about Managed Kubernetes, see the official Selectel documentation.

Example usage

High availability cluster

resource "selectel_mks_cluster_v1" "ha_cluster" {
name = "cluster-1"
project_id =
region = "ru-3"
kube_version = data.selectel_mks_kube_versions_v1.versions.latest_version

Basic cluster

resource "selectel_mks_cluster_v1" "basic_cluster" {
name = "cluster-1"
project_id =
region = "ru-3"
kube_version = data.selectel_mks_kube_versions_v1.versions.latest_version
zonal = true
enable_patch_version_auto_upgrade = false

Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) Cluster name. Changing this creates a new cluster. The cluster name is included into the names of the cluster entities: node groups, nodes, load balancers, networks, and volumes.

  • project_id - (Required) Unique identifier of the associated project. Changing this creates a new cluster. Retrieved from the selectel_vpc_project_v2 resource. Learn more about Projects.

  • region - (Required) Pool where the cluster is located, for example, ru-3. Changing this creates a new cluster. Learn more about available pools in the Availability matrix.

  • kube_version - (Required) Kubernetes version of the cluster. Changing this upgrades the cluster version. You can retrieve information about the Kubernetes versions with the selectel_mks_kube_versions_v1 data source.

    To upgrade a patch version, the desired version should match the latest available patch version for the current minor release.

    To upgrade a minor version, the desired version should match the next available minor release with the latest patch version.

  • zonal - (Optional) Specifies a cluster type. Changing this creates a new cluster.

    Boolean flag:

    • false (default) - for a high availability cluster with three master nodes located on different hosts in one pool segment.

    • true - for a basic cluster with one master node. Set enable_patch_version_auto_upgrade to false.

    Learn more about Cluster types.

  • enable_autorepair - (Optional) Enables or disables node auto-repairing (worker nodes are automatically restarted). Auto-repairing is not available if you have one worker node. After auto-repairing, all data on the boot volumes are deleted. Boolean flag, the default value is true. Learn more about Nodes auto-repairing.

  • enable_patch_version_auto_upgrade - (Optional) Enables or disables auto-upgrading of the cluster to the latest available Kubernetes patch version during the maintenance window. Boolean flag, the default value is true. Must be set to false for basic clusters (if zonal is true). Learn more about Patch versions auto-upgrading.

  • network_id - (Optional) Unique identifier of the associated OpenStack network. Changing this creates a new cluster. Learn more about the openstack_networking_network_v2 resource in the official OpenStack documentation.

  • subnet_id - (Optional) Unique identifier of the associated OpenStack subnet. Changing this creates a new cluster. Learn more about the openstack_networking_subnet_v2 resource in the official OpenStack documentation.

  • maintenance_window_start - (Optional) Time in UTC when maintenance in the cluster starts. The format is hh:mm:ss. Learn more about the Maintenance window.

  • feature_gates - (Optional) Enables or disables feature gates for the cluster. You can retrieve the list of available feature gates with the selectel_mks_feature_gates_v1 data source. Learn more about Feature gates.

  • admission_controllers - (Optional) Enables or disables admission controllers for the cluster. You can retrieve the list of available admission controllers with the selectel_mks_admission_controllers_v1 data source. Learn more about Admission controllers.

  • private_kube_api - (Optional) Specifies if Kube API is available from the Internet. Changing this creates a new cluster.

    Boolean flag:

    • false (default) - Kube API is available from the Internet;

    • true - Kube API is available only from the cluster network.

Attributes Reference

  • maintenance_window_end - Time in UTC when maintenance in the cluster ends. The format is hh:mm:ss. Learn more about the Maintenance window.

  • kube_api_ip - IP address of the Kube API.

  • status - Cluster status.


You can import a cluster:

export OS_DOMAIN_NAME=<account_id>
export OS_USERNAME=<username>
export OS_PASSWORD=<password>
export SEL_PROJECT_ID=<selectel_project_id>
export SEL_REGION=<selectel_pool>
terraform import selectel_mks_cluster_v1.cluster_name <cluster_id>


  • <account_id> — Selectel account ID. The account ID is in the top right corner of the Control panel. Learn more about Registration.

  • <username> — Name of the service user. To get the name, in the Control panel, go to Identity & Access ManagementUser management ⟶ the Service users tab ⟶ copy the name of the required user. Learn more about Service users.

  • <password> — Password of the service user.

  • <selectel_project_id> — Unique identifier of the associated project. To get the ID, in the Control panel, go to Cloud Platform ⟶ project name ⟶ copy the ID of the required project. Learn more about Projects.

  • <selectel_pool> — Pool where the cluster is located, for example, ru-3. To get information about the pool, in the Control panel, go to Cloud PlatformKubernetes. The pool is in the Pool column.

  • <cluster_id> — Unique identifier of the cluster, for example, b311ce58-2658-46b5-b733-7a0f418703f2. To get the cluster ID, in the Control panel, go to Cloud PlatformKubernetes ⟶ the cluster page ⟶ copy the ID at the top of the page under the cluster name, near the region and pool.