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Эта инструкция — копия документации Selectel Terraform-провайдера в Terraform Registry.

Creates and manages a PostgreSQL datastore using public API v1. Applicable to PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL for 1C, and PostgreSQL TimescaleDB datastores. For more information about Managed Databases, see the official Selectel documentation for PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL for 1C, and PostgreSQL TimescaleDB.

Example usage

PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL TimescaleDB

resource "selectel_dbaas_postgresql_datastore_v1" "datastore_1" {
name = "datastore-1"
project_id =
region = "ru-3"
type_id = data.selectel_dbaas_datastore_type_v1.datastore_type_1.datastore_types[0].id
subnet_id = selectel_vpc_subnet_v2.subnet.subnet_id
node_count = 3
flavor {
vcpus = 4
ram = 4096
disk = 32
pooler {
mode = "transaction"
size = 50

PostgreSQL for 1C

resource "selectel_dbaas_postgresql_datastore_v1" "datastore_1" {
name = "datastore-1"
project_id =
region = "ru-3"
type_id = data.selectel_dbaas_datastore_type_v1.datastore_type_1.datastore_types[0].id
subnet_id = selectel_vpc_subnet_v2.subnet.subnet_id
node_count = 3
flavor {
vcpus = 4
ram = 4096
disk = 32

Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) Datastore name. Changing this creates a new datastore.

  • project_id - (Required) Unique identifier of the associated project. Changing this creates a new datastore. Retrieved from the selectel_vpc_project_v2 resource. Learn more about Projects.

  • region - (Required) Pool where the datastore is located, for example, ru-3. Changing this creates a new datastore. Learn more about available pools in the Availability matrix.

  • subnet_id - (Required) Unique identifier of the associated OpenStack network. Changing this creates a new datastore. Learn more about the openstack_networking_network_v2 resource in the official OpenStack documentation.

  • type_id - (Required) Unique identifier of the datastore type. Changing this creates a new datastore. Retrieved from the selectel_dbaas_datastore_type_v1 data source.

  • node_count - (Required) Number of nodes in the datastore. The available range is from 1 to 6. Learn more about Replication.

  • flavor_id - (Optional) Unique identifier of the flavor for the datastore. Can be skipped when flavor is set. You can retrieve information about available flavors with the selectel_dbaas_flavor_v1 data source.

  • flavor - (Optional) Flavor configuration for the datastore. You can retrieve information about available flavors with the selectel_dbaas_flavor_v1 data source. Learn more about available configurations for PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL for 1C, and PostgreSQL TimescaleDB.

    • vcpus - (Required) Number of vCPUs.

    • ram - (Required) Amount of RAM in MB.

    • disk - (Required) Volume size in GB.

  • pooler - (Optional) Configures a connection pooler for the datastore. Applicable to PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL TimescaleDB.

    • mode - (Required) Pooling mode. Available values are session, transaction, and statement. The default value is transaction. Learn more about pooling modes for PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL TimescaleDB.

    • size - (Required) Pool size. The available range is from 1 to 500. The default value is 30. Learn more about pool size for PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL TimescaleDB.

  • firewall - (Deprecated) Remove this argument as it is no longer in use and will be removed in the next major version of the provider. To manage a list of IP-addresses with access to the datastore, use the selectel_dbaas_firewall_v1 resource.

  • restore - (Optional) Restores parameters for the datastore. Changing this creates a new datastore.

    • datastore_id - (Optional) Unique identifier of the datastore from which you restore. To get the datastore ID, in the Control panel, go to Cloud PlatformManaged Databases ⟶ copy the ID under the cluster name.

    • target_time - (Optional) Time within seven previous days when you have the datastore state to restore.

  • config - (Optional) Configuration parameters for the datastore. You can retrieve information about available configuration parameters with the selectel_dbaas_configuration_parameter_v1 data source.

  • floating_ips - (Optional) Assigns public IP addresses to the nodes in the datastore. The network configuration must meet the requirements. Learn more about public IP addresses and the required network configuration.

    • master - (Required) Number of public IPs associated with the master. Available values are 0 and 1.

    • replica - (Required) Number of public IPs associated with the replicas. The minimum value is 0. The maximum value must be 1 less than the value of the node_count argument.

Attributes Reference

  • status - Datastore status.

  • connections - DNS addresses to connect to the datastore.


You can import a datastore:

export OS_DOMAIN_NAME=<account_id>
export OS_USERNAME=<username>
export OS_PASSWORD=<password>
export SEL_PROJECT_ID=<selectel_project_id>
export SEL_REGION=<selectel_pool>
terraform import selectel_dbaas_mysql_datastore_v1.datastore_1 <datastore_id>


  • <account_id> — Selectel account ID. The account ID is in the top right corner of the Control panel. Learn more about Registration.

  • <username> — Name of the service user. To get the name, in the Control panel, go to Identity & Access ManagementUser management ⟶ the Service users tab ⟶ copy the name of the required user. Learn more about Service users.

  • <password> — Password of the service user.

  • <selectel_project_id> — Unique identifier of the associated project. To get the ID, in the Control panel, go to Cloud Platform ⟶ project name ⟶ copy the ID of the required project. Learn more about Projects.

  • <selectel_pool> — Pool where the cluster is located, for example, ru-3. To get information about the pool, in the Control panel, go to Cloud PlatformManaged Databases. The pool is in the Pool column.

  • <datastore_id> — Unique identifier of the datastore, for example, b311ce58-2658-46b5-b733-7a0f418703f2. To get the datastore ID in the Control panel, go to Cloud PlatformManaged Databases ⟶ copy the ID under the cluster name.