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For your information

Эта инструкция — копия документации Selectel Terraform-провайдера в Terraform Registry.

Creates and manages S3 credentials for a service user using public API v1. S3 credentials are required to access Selectel Object Storage via S3 API. S3 credentials include Access Key and Secret Key. For more information about S3 сredentials, see the official Selectel documentation.

For your information

In S3 credentials, the Secret Key is stored as raw data in a plain-text file. Learn more about sensitive data in state.

Example Usage

resource "selectel_iam_s3_credentials_v1" "s3_credentials_1" {
user_id =
project_id =
name = "S3Credentials"

Argument Reference

  • user_id - (Required) Unique identifier of the service user. Changing this creates new credentials. Retrieved from the selectel_iam_serviceuser_v1 resource. Learn more about Service Users.

  • project_id - (Required) Unique identifier of the associated project. Changing this creates new credentials. Retrieved from the selectel_vpc_project_v2 resource. Learn more about Projects.

  • name - (Required) Name of the S3 credentials. Changing this creates new credentials.

Attributes Reference

  • access_key - Access Key.

  • secret_key - Secret Key.


You can import S3 credentials:

export OS_DOMAIN_NAME=<account_id>
export OS_USERNAME=<username>
export OS_PASSWORD=<password>
export OS_S3_CREDENTIALS_USER_ID=<user_id>
terraform import selectel_iam_s3_credentials_v1.s3_credentials_1 <access_key>


  • <account_id> — Selectel account ID. The account ID is in the top right corner of the Control panel. Learn more about Registration.

  • <username> — Name of the service user. To get the name, in the Control panel, go to Identity & Access ManagementUser management ⟶ the Service users tab ⟶ copy the name of the required user. Learn more about Service Users.

  • <password> — Password of the service user.

  • <user_id> — Unique identifier of the service user who owns S3 credentials, for example, abc1bb378ac84e1234b869b77aadd2ab. To get the ID, in the Control panel, go to Identity & Access ManagementUser management ⟶ the Service users tab ⟶ copy the ID under the user name.

  • <access_key> — Access Key from S3 сredentials. To get the Access Key, in the Control panel, go to Identity & Access ManagementUser management ⟶ the Service users tab ⟶ click on the service user who owns credentials ⟶ copy the Access Key in the S3 keys section.