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For your information

Эта инструкция — копия официальной документации OpenStack Terraform-провайдера в Terraform Registry.

Manages a V2 Neutron subnet resource within OpenStack.

Example Usage

resource "openstack_networking_network_v2" "network_1" {
name = "tf_test_network"
admin_state_up = "true"

resource "openstack_networking_subnet_v2" "subnet_1" {
network_id =
cidr = ""

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • region - (Optional) The region in which to obtain the V2 Networking client. A Networking client is needed to create a Neutron subnet. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new subnet.

  • network_id - (Required) The UUID of the parent network. Changing this creates a new subnet.

  • cidr - (Optional) CIDR representing IP range for this subnet, based on IP version. You can omit this option if you are creating a subnet from a subnet pool.

  • prefix_length - (Optional) The prefix length to use when creating a subnet from a subnet pool. The default subnet pool prefix length that was defined when creating the subnet pool will be used if not provided. Changing this creates a new subnet.

  • ip_version - (Optional) IP version, either 4 (default) or 6. Changing this creates a new subnet.

  • ipv6_address_mode - (Optional) The IPv6 address mode. Valid values are dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless, or slaac.

  • ipv6_ra_mode - (Optional) The IPv6 Router Advertisement mode. Valid values are dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless, or slaac.

  • name - (Optional) The name of the subnet. Changing this updates the name of the existing subnet.

  • description - (Optional) Human-readable description of the subnet. Changing this updates the name of the existing subnet.

  • tenant_id - (Optional) The owner of the subnet. Required if admin wants to create a subnet for another tenant. Changing this creates a new subnet.

  • allocation_pools - (Deprecated - use allocation_pool instead) A block declaring the start and end range of the IP addresses available for use with DHCP in this subnet. The allocation_pools block is documented below.

  • allocation_pool - (Optional) A block declaring the start and end range of the IP addresses available for use with DHCP in this subnet. Multiple allocation_pool blocks can be declared, providing the subnet with more than one range of IP addresses to use with DHCP. However, each IP range must be from the same CIDR that the subnet is part of. The allocation_pool block is documented below.

  • gateway_ip - (Optional) Default gateway used by devices in this subnet. Leaving this blank and not setting no_gateway will cause a default gateway of .1 to be used. Changing this updates the gateway IP of the existing subnet.

  • no_gateway - (Optional) Do not set a gateway IP on this subnet. Changing this removes or adds a default gateway IP of the existing subnet.

  • enable_dhcp - (Optional) The administrative state of the network. Acceptable values are "true" and "false". Changing this value enables or disables the DHCP capabilities of the existing subnet. Defaults to true.

  • dns_nameservers - (Optional) An array of DNS name server names used by hosts in this subnet. Changing this updates the DNS name servers for the existing subnet.

  • service_types - (Optional) An array of service types used by the subnet. Changing this updates the service types for the existing subnet.

  • host_routes - (Deprecated - use openstack_networking_subnet_route_v2 instead) An array of routes that should be used by devices with IPs from this subnet (not including local subnet route). The host_route object structure is documented below. Changing this updates the host routes for the existing subnet.

  • subnetpool_id - (Optional) The ID of the subnetpool associated with the subnet.

  • value_specs - (Optional) Map of additional options.

  • tags - (Optional) A set of string tags for the subnet.

The deprecated allocation_pools block supports:

  • start - (Required) The starting address.

  • end - (Required) The ending address.

The allocation_pool block supports:

  • start - (Required) The starting address.

  • end - (Required) The ending address.

The host_routes block supports:

  • destination_cidr - (Required) The destination CIDR.

  • next_hop - (Required) The next hop in the route.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • region - See Argument Reference above.
  • network_id - See Argument Reference above.
  • cidr - See Argument Reference above.
  • ip_version - See Argument Reference above.
  • name - See Argument Reference above.
  • description - See Argument Reference above.
  • tenant_id - See Argument Reference above.
  • allocation_pools - See Argument Reference above.
  • gateway_ip - See Argument Reference above.
  • enable_dhcp - See Argument Reference above.
  • dns_nameservers - See Argument Reference above.
  • service_types - See Argument Reference above.
  • host_routes - See Argument Reference above.
  • subnetpool_id - See Argument Reference above.
  • tags - See Argument Reference above.
  • all_tags - The collection of ags assigned on the subnet, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.


Subnets can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import openstack_networking_subnet_v2.subnet_1 da4faf16-5546-41e4-8330-4d0002b74048