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For your information

Эта инструкция — копия официальной документации OpenStack Terraform-провайдера в Terraform Registry.

Manages a V2 Neutron addressscope resource within OpenStack.

Example Usage

Create an Address-scope

resource "openstack_networking_addressscope_v2" "addressscope_1" {
name = "addressscope_1"
ip_version = 6

Create a Subnet Pool from an Address-scope

resource "openstack_networking_addressscope_v2" "addressscope_1" {
name = "addressscope_1"
ip_version = 6

resource "openstack_networking_subnetpool_v2" "subnetpool_1" {
name = "subnetpool_1"
prefixes = ["fdf7:b13d:dead:beef::/64", "fd65:86cc:a334:39b7::/64"]
address_scope_id =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • region - (Optional) The region in which to obtain the V2 Networking client. A Networking client is needed to create a Neutron address-scope. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new address-scope.

  • name - (Required) The name of the address-scope. Changing this updates the name of the existing address-scope.

  • ip_version - (Optional) IP version, either 4 (default) or 6. Changing this creates a new address-scope.

  • shared - (Optional) Indicates whether this address-scope is shared across all projects. Changing this updates the shared status of the existing address-scope.

  • project_id - (Optional) The owner of the address-scope. Required if admin wants to create a address-scope for another project. Changing this creates a new address-scope.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • region - See Argument Reference above.
  • name - See Argument Reference above.
  • ip_version - See Argument Reference above.
  • shared - See Argument Reference above.
  • project_id - See Argument Reference above.


Address-scopes can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import openstack_networking_addressscope_v2.addressscope_1 9cc35860-522a-4d35-974d-51d4b011801e