Direct Connect
Dedicated connection between external infrastructure and infrastructure within Selectel. Allows you to connect equipment in a Selectel data center to on-premise or other data center equipment, as well as to connect to a service provider in a Selectel data center
Main product information
Service Description
Basic information about Direct Connect: types of service, principle of operation, cost
Network infrastructure
What networks we have and how they are organized
All about the product
General Information
Basic information about Direct Connect: types of service, principle of operation, cost
Physical port
How to connect and disconnect Direct Connect service - physical port
Logic port
How to connect and disconnect Direct Connect service - logical port
Additional materials
Blog Articles
Selectel experts' experience with network technologies, technical reviews and cases
Academy Instructions
Installing and configuring systems, working with popular tools in the context of networking technologies
Academy courses
Product training materials
How we ensure security in Selectel products
Data centers
How our data centers are organized