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Push Helm Chart
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Push Helm Chart

  1. Authorize Helm CLI.

  2. Create Helm Chart:

    helm create <chart_name>

    Specify chart_name — Helm chart name.

  3. Package the Helm chart and save it locally:

    helm package <chart_name> --version <chart_version>

    Specify chart_version — Helm chart version.

    The path to the Helm chart storage location will appear in the response:

    Successfully packaged chart and saved it to: /<path>/<chart_name>-<chart_version>.tgz
  4. Push the Helm chart into the Container Registry:

    helm push <chart_name>-<chart_version>.tgz oci://<registry>

    Specify registry — name of the registry where you want to load the Helm chart.

    The Helm chart will appear in the Control Panel, in a new repository of the specified registry. The repository is created automatically and inherits the name of the downloaded Helm Chart.