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Selectel Storage (old)

For your information

This is an older version of the Selectel Storage API that was used before object storage updates 29.09.2023. URLs and methods from the old version of the Selectel Storage API continue to be supported for now, but will be disabled in the future. We recommend using new version of Selectel Storage API.

Object Storage provides developers with an opportunity to integrate with their own applications and websites. Interaction with the storage is organized on the basis of REST API. The documentation describes the currently available Storage REST API calls, request and response formats. Currently, the following operations can be performed using REST API requests:

  • create links for third-party users to upload files to the repository;
  • work with file versions;
  • create users and set access settings to the storage for them;
  • to download and unzip archives;
  • work with special pages, etc.

Methods of authorization and obtaining a token to work with API are described in the section Authorization and token receipt Swift API instructions (old).

Restrictions for additional users

Additional users have limitations when using the API, so the following actions must be performed on behalf of the primary Object Store user:

  • container creation;
  • deleting multiple files (using ?bulk-delete=true);
  • creating or modifying users;
  • work with domains and user SSL certificates;
  • CDN cache reset;
  • log retrieval;
  • creation of temporary tokens (/temptokens).

Container operations

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
PUT\_\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/container.X-Auth-Token --- authorization token; X-Container-Meta-Type: gallery --- container type (in our case --- gallery)Activates the demonstration of images in the gallery view
curl -i -XPUT*****/container  -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "X-Container-Metatype: gallery"

If the request is successful, the API returns a response with code 204.

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Length: 76
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Downloading the container as a zip archive

The contents of any container can be downloaded as a zip archive. To do this, the query-parameter download-all-as-zip=[archive name] should be added to the link to the container, for example:


In public containers, the zip download functionality is disabled by default, to enable it you must set the header X-Container-Meta-Allow-ZipDownload: true, example:

curl -i -XPUT***/container_name -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "X-Container-Meta-Allow-ZipDownload: true"

The value of this X-Container-Meta-Allow-ZipDownload header in private containers is ignored.

The following commands can be used to download the contents of any public container as a zip archive:

curl -i -XGET*****/container? -o

The following commands can be used to download the contents of any private container as a zip archive:

curl -i -XGET*****/container? -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -o

To view the contents of the downloaded archive, use the command:

unzip -l

warning []: 274 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile (attempting to process anyway)
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
555436 1980-00-00 00:00 IMG_20180802_121146.jpg
39 1980-00-00 00:00 copied_file
245473 1980-00-00 00:00 mergetree.pdf
--------- -------
800948 3 files

The described operation is designed primarily to simplify downloading, not to save traffic, so the files in the archive are not compressed.

The number of objects in one container must not exceed 10,000, otherwise the command will fail and return an error.

You can download objects that begin with one specified prefix (for example, IMG) as a zip archive by specifying this IMG prefix in the IMG?download-all-as-zip parameter:

curl -i -XGET https://***** -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -o

Note: if among the objects there is a folder starting with the same prefix, it will be downloaded together with all its contents.

Downloading the folder as a zip archive

The contents of any folder can be downloaded as a zip archive. To do this, add the query-parameter download-all-as-zip=[archive name] to the link to the folder, for example:


The following commands can be used to download the contents of any folder as a zip archive:

curl -i -XGET https://***** -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -o

To view the contents of the downloaded archive, use the command:

unzip -l

warning []: 274 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile (attempting to process anyway)
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
555436 1980-00-00 00:00 IMG_20180802_121146.jpg
39 1980-00-00 00:00 copied_file
245473 1980-00-00 00:00 mergetree.pdf
--------- -------
800948 3 files

The described operation is primarily intended to simplify downloading, not to save traffic, so the files in the archive are not compressed.

The number of objects in one folder must not exceed 10,000, otherwise the command will fail and return an error.

File handling

Unpacking archives

Archives in *.tar, *.tar.gz and *.gzip format can be unpacked immediately after being uploaded to the repository. To unpack an archive, the extract-archive query-parameter must be added to the file download request:

curl -i -XPUT*****/new_container/archive.tar.gz/?extract-archive=tar.gz \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -T "archive.tar.gz"

When using storage as a backend for public services, it is often necessary to differentiate access to files --- for example, to make files placed in a private container available to a wide range of users.

Especially for such cases, the repository provides the ability to create symbolic links. Such links can be password-protected and their validity period can be set.

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
PUT\_\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/container/file/ specifies the container in which the symbolic link will be stored and the name under which the link will be stored.X-Auth-Token --- authorization token; Content-Type --- symbolic link type (x-storage/onetime-symlink --- one-time link, x-storage/symlink+secure --- regular password-protected link, x-storage/onetime-symlink+secure --- one-time password-protected link); X-Object-Meta-Location --- quoted path to the object in storage; X-Object-Meta-Delete-At --- the date (in Unix Timestamp format) until which the link will be valid; X-Object-Meta-Link-Key --- sha1 hash of the object's password and location (for password-protected links; details in Example of generating X-Object-Meta-Link-Key in Python); Content-Disposition --- specifies what to do with the linked file: open in a browser (inline) or download to a local machine (attachment)Creates a symbolic link with the parameters specified in the request.
curl -i -XPUT*****/new_container/new_link \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: x-storage/symlink" \
-H "X-Object-Meta-Location: /new_container/new_object" \
-H "X-Object-Meta-Link-Key: $key" -H "Content-Length: 0"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
> etag: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
> Last-Modified: Mon, 27 May 2013 13:34:34 GM
import hashlib

# location of file, always with container specified
location = "/container/object"

# password
password = "12345"

# concatenate password + location and encode it
encoded_pass_loc = (password + location).encode('utf-8')

# generate sha1-hash
hash_object = hashlib.sha1(encoded_pass_loc)

# convert sha1-hash to hexadecimal digits
link_key = hash_object.hexdigest()

# show calculated value

You can create special links that third-party users can use to download your files (including those from personal containers). You do not need to make an API request to create such a link. Before generating links to account files, you need to set the secret key $key:

curl -i -XPOST http://*****  -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "X-Account-Meta-Temp-URL-Key: $key"

To create a link to a specific container, set the secret key $key, adding the container name:

curl -i -XPOST http://*****сontainer   -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "X-Container-Meta-Temp-URL-Key: $key"

Only users who know the secret key will be able to access the files using the generated link.

import hmac
from hashlib import sha1
from time import time

# access method (always GET)
method = "GET"

# reference valid 60 seconds
expires = int(time()) + 60

# the path to the file in the repository, always with the container specified
path = "/container/dir/file"

# secret key
link_secret_key = str.encode("$key")

# generate access key
hmac_body = str.encode('%s\n%s\n%s' % (method, expires, path))

# access key
sig =, hmac_body, sha1).hexdigest()

#show calculated values

When using a reference of the form***/container_name/object_name in the above script, the variable path should look like /v1/SEL_***/container_name/object_name.

The resulting key will then need to be specified in the link:



  • ***** --- base domain;
  • temp_url_sig --- access key;
  • temp_url_expires --- the time until which the link is valid (unixtime).

If the container has a domain attached to it, you can specify it in the link. The name of the container does not need to be specified:


Content-Disposition header control is supported for the data given by the link. To do this, add the filename parameter with the appropriate value:


The secret key can be changed. After changing the secret key, all previously generated links will stop working.

const crypto = require('crypto');

// access method (always GET)
const method = 'GET';

// reference valid 60 seconds
const expires = Math.floor( / 1000) + 60;

// the path to the file in the repository, always with the container specified
const path = '/container/dir/file';

// secret key
const linkSecretKey = '$key';

// generate access key
const hmacBody = `${method}\n${expires}\n${path}`;

// access key
const sig = crypto.createHmac('sha1', linkSecretKey).update(hmacBody).digest('hex');

// show calculated values
Request typeURIHeadingsDescription

X-Auth-Token --- authorization token; Content-Type --- link properties (x-storage/sendmefile+inplace --- download only one file with the specified name; x-storage/sendmefile+timepostfix --- download files with the download time added to the name; x-storage/sendmefile+autopostfix --- uploading files by adding a unique identifier to the name with the extension; x-storage/sendmefile+folderday --- uploading files to a folder with a name like yyyy-dd-mm, x-storage/sendmefile+folderhour --- uploading files to a folder with a name like dd-mm hh:min min, x-storage/sendmefile+folderuniq --- upload each file to a separate folder); X-Object-Meta-Sendmefile-Disable-Web --- enables (no)/disables (yes) the web interface for uploading files; this header defaults to yes (web interface enabled); X-Object-Meta-Sendmefile-Max-Size --- maximum size of the file to be uploaded (in bytes); X-Delete-After --- deletes the link after a specified time (in seconds); X-Object-Meta-Sendmefile-Allow-Overwrite --- allows (yes) or disallows (no) overwriting files when they are re-downloaded (overwriting is disallowed by default); X-Object-Meta-Sendmefile-Ignore-Filename --- allow (yes) automatic renaming of files according to the specified settings; X-Object-Meta-Sendmefile-Secret --- password hash (for password-protected links); -Sendmefile-Session-Id --- upload session identifier

Creates a link that allows third-party users to upload files to the repository. Example link: https://********* ******** --- the base domain of the container as numbers, specified in the control panel, in the Container Settings card ⟶ Link for uploading files; container --- the name of the container; upload --- the name of the link for uploading the file.
curl -i -XPUT*****/container/upload \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "Content-Type: x-storage/sendmefile+inplace" \
-H "X-Object-Meta-Sendmefile-Max-Size: 52428800" \
-H "X-Delete-After: 14400" \
-H "X-Object-Meta-Sendmefile-Secret: 5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68" \
-d "Пояснительный текст для страницы загрузки"


In order to store not only the latest version of an object, but also several previous versions, the repository provides version support.

Before you start working with versioning, create a container to store the versions.

When an object is deleted, the last working version is not returned in its place. All versions of the object, including the one before deletion, are stored in the version container.

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
PUT\_\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/container.X-Auth-Token --- authorization token; X-Versions-Location --- name of the container where the versions will be stored. The header will not work unless a container for versions is createdActivates versioning for the specified container. Versions of all objects will be saved in the container whose name is passed in the header

Example request

curl -i -XPUT*****/container1/ -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "X-Versions-Location: container2"

If the request is successful, a response with code 202 will be returned.

Example of an answer

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Content-Length: 76
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Expires: 0 Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate

Special pages

Specialty pages include:

  • The index page given in response to an anonymous GET request for a container or folder placed in that container;
  • error page (404) --- file given by an anonymous GET request to a non-existent object.

Index page

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
POST\_\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/container.X-Auth-Token --- authorization token; X-Container-Meta-Web-Index --- path to the file to be used as an index fileAssigns an index file for the specified container

Both absolute and relative file paths can be specified in the request.

Web-IndexInquiryFile given
/index.htmlGET /container/; GET /container/dir1//container/index.html
index.htmlGET /container//container/index.html
index.htmlGET /container/dir1/dir2//container/dir1/dir2/index.html or (if the file does not exist) /container/index.html

Example request

Create an index file:

echo "<html>custom_index_file</html>" > my_index.html

curl -i -XPUT "*****/container_name/my_index.html" -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -T "./my_index.html"

To specify an index page, set the Web-Index value for the container:

curl -i -XPUT "*****/container_name/my_index.html" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "X-Container-Meta-Web-Index:/my_index.html"

Page 404

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
POST\_\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/container.X-Auth-Token --- authorization token; X-Container-Meta-Web-404-Page --- path to the error fileConfigures the error file for the specified container


Web-404-PageInquiryRedirection address
/404.htmlGET /container/nofile; GET /container/dir1/nofile/container/404.html
404.html.GET /container/nofile/container/dir1/dir2/404.html or (if the file does not exist) /container/404.html
http://test.testGET /container/nofile; /container/dir1/nofilehttp://test.test

Available template parameters

You can use special template parameters to pass information about the originally requested file:

  • {container} --- container name;
  • {path} --- the path to the requested file relative to the container.

By default, the forwarding is performed with code 307. Available options: 200, 307, 404. When setting an external link, only code 307 is available.

Example request

Set the Web-404-Page value for the container:

curl -i -XPOST "*****/container_name" -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" \
-H "X-Container-Meta-Web-404-Page: /404.html?file={path}"

An anonymous request for a non-existent object redirects to the specified file:

curl -i "*****/container_name/non_existing_object" \
> HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
> Location:*****/404.html?file=non_existing_object

By default, a 404 code is returned when submitting an error page:

curl -i -XPOST "*****/container_name" -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" \
-H "X-Container-Meta-Web-404-Page: /404.html?file={path}?{code}"

File listing

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
POST\_\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/container.X-Auth-Token --- authorization token; X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings --- on/off --- enable or disable listing mode for container; X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings-CSS --- reference to style file, used for HTML-formatted outputs (optional); X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings-Sort --- listing sort type, possible values: name_asc, name_desc, date_asc, date_desc, size_asc, size_desc; can be sorted by name, modification date, and size. Asc and desc define the sort orderEnables file listing mode for the container specified in the request

Example request

curl -i -XPOST "*****/container_name" -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" \
-H "X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings: on"

To retrieve the file listing by anonymous query, type:

curl -i -XGET "*****/container_name" -H "X-Web-Mode: listing"

To obtain a private container listing, specify the token of the user who has access to the container:

curl -i -XGET "*****/container_name" -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "X-Web-Mode: listing"

For HTML-formatted output, you can specify the layout using the X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings-Css header, with a reference to a style file in the container as the value; you can also provide a reference to an external style file.

my.css or /my.cssA styles file located in the same container will be used
http://my\_site/my.cssStyles file from an external site will be used

Set the Web-Listings-CSS value for the container:

curl -i -XPOST "*****/container_name" -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" \
-H "X-Container-Meta-Web-Listings-Css: my_style.css"

User management

Viewing the list of users

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
GET --- authorization tokenOutputs a list of users for the current account

Example request

curl -i  -H "X-Auth-Token: $token"

If the request is successful, the API will return a response with code 200.

Example of an answer

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 80
main_user (true)
main_user (true)
user1 (true)
user2 (true)
user3 (true)

Adding a new user

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
PUT --- authorization token; X-Auth-Key --- password for the new user; X-User-Active --- user status (on--- active, off--- inactive); X-User-ACL-Containers-R --- names of containers that will be read-only for the new user; X-User-ACL-Containers-W --- list of containers that will be writable for the new user; X-User-S3-Password — indicates that the password will be used for s3 access (similar to the Use this data for s3 access option in the control panel).Creates a user with the specified account settings

Example request

curl -i -XPUT
-H "X-Auth-Token: $token"
-H "X-Auth-Key: $key"
-H "X-User-ACL-Containers-W: container1, container2, container3"
-H "X-User-ACL-Containers-R: container4"
-H "X-User-S3-Password: yes"
-H "X-User-Active: on"

If the request is successful, the API returns a response with code 204.

Example answer

HTTP/2 204 Created
access-control-allow-origin: *
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 0

Deleting a user

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
DELETE --- authorization tokenDeletes the specified user

Example request

curl -i -X DELETE  -H "X-Auth-Token: $token"

If the user is successfully deleted, the API returns a response with code 204.

Example of an answer

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 10:04:25 GMT

Changing the password of the primary user

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
POST --- authorization token; X-Auth-Key --- new password; X-User-S3-Password — specifies that the password will be used for s3 access (similar to the Use this data for s3 access option in the control panel).Changes the primary user's password to the password passed in the X-Auth-Key header

Example request

curl -i -XPOST -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -H "X-Auth-Key: $key"

If the request is successful, the API returns a response with code 204.

Example answer

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 10:30:59 GMT

Domain Management

You can attach domains to containers in the storage. All operations with domains are performed via API.

Default Domains

Each object store user automatically receives a set of default domains that can be used to access objects in any containers:

  • ******** --- domain for public access to files in the storage;
  • ******** --- the domain for CDN file sharing over http.

Through the ticket system you can order a domain of the form, which can be used for https access to objects in containers via our partner Akamai's CDN cache.

Getting the list of attached domains

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
GET --- authorization tokenReturns a list of domains

Example request

curl -i -XGET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token"

If the request is successful, the API returns a response with code 200.

Example of an answer

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 69
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Mon, 16 May 2016 07:36:35 GMT
Base Domains:
Containers Domains:

Domain attachment

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
POST\_\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/container.X-Auth-Token --- authorization token; X-Add-Container-Domains --- list of domains that will be attached to the container, domains are specified comma separated.Attaches the domains passed in the X-Add-Container-Domains header to the container

Example request

curl -i -XPOST*****/container -H "X-Add-Container-Domains:" -H "X-Auth-Token: $token"

If the request is successful, the API will return a response with code 204.

Example of an answer

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-Backend-Timestamp, Etag, Last-Modified, X-Object-Manifest, X-Timestamp
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 12:09:38 GMT

Domain deletion

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
POST\_\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/container.X-Auth-Token --- authorization token; X-Remove-Container-Domains --- list of domains that will be detached from the container, domains are specified separated by commasUnlinks the domains passed in the X-Remove-Container-Domains header from the container

Example request

curl -i -XPOST*****/container -H "X-Remove-Container-Domains:" -H "X-Auth-Token: $token

If the request is successful, the API returns a response with code 204.

Example answer

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-Backend-Timestamp, Etag, Last-Modified, X-Object-Manifest, X-Timestamp
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

Editing the list of domains

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
POST\_\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/container.X-Auth-Token --- authorization token; X-Container-Domains --- list of domains that will be attached to the container, domains are specified comma separated.Attaches the domains passed in the X-Container-Domains header to the container. Unlike X-Add-Container-Domains, this header completely replaces the list of attached domains rather than supplementing it

Example request

curl -i -XPOST*****/container -H "X-Container-Domains:" -H "X-Auth-Token: $token"

If the request is successful, the API returns a response with code 204.

Example of an answer

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-Backend-Timestamp, Etag, Last-Modified, X-Object-Manifest, X-Timestamp
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

Managing user SSL certificates

Getting the list of certificates

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
GET --- authorization tokenReturns a list of certificates

Example request

curl -i -XGET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token"

Obtaining certificate information

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
GET --- authorization tokenReturns information about the specified certificate

Example request

curl -i -XGET -H "X-Auth-Token: $token"

Adding a certificate

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
PUT\*\*\*\*\*\_cert1X-Auth-Token --- authorization tokenAdds a new certificate

Example request

curl -i -XPUT*****_cert1 -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -T ./cert1.pem

The name of the certificate ({cert_name}) should be sent in the format ********_cert1, where the first part (digits) represents the user account number and the second part is any arbitrary combination of characters.

Certificate names must be unique; it is not possible to upload two certificates with the same name.

The certificate itself and the private key must be passed in the body of the request in one file.

Deleting a certificate

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
DELETE --- authorization tokenDeletes the specified certificate

Clearing the storage cache

Request Parameters:

  • The type of request is --- POST;
  • URI ---;
  • Headers --- X-Auth-Token authorization token;
  • Description --- clears the Object Store cache for pages whose addresses are passed in the request.

Example of a request:

curl -i -XPOST -H "x-auth-token: $token" -d '{"objects":["",""]}'

If the request is successful, the API will return a response with code 200.

Example answer:

HTTP/2 200
content-type: application/json
date: Fri, 27 Aug 2021 13:00:42 GMT
content-length: 66
{"HttpStatus":201,"Detail":"Request accepted.","RejectedUrls":{}}

Obtaining logs

Request to create an upload

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
POST --- authorization token; X-Start-Time --- start of period in Y-m-d H:M:S format; X-End-Time --- end of period in Y-m-d H:M:S format; X-Limit --- maximum number of records to be returned in the requestCreate a logs container and upload storage logs to it

Request body:

"since": "2019-05-14T06:00:00",
"till": "2019-12-09T13:43:00",
"fields": [
"filters": {
"host": [
"container": "logs",
"delete_after": 3600

A description of the fields of the request body:

  • since --- the beginning of the period for unloading;
  • till --- end of period for unloading;
  • fields --- list of required fields;
  • filters --- filters for unloading;
  • container --- container for unloading;
  • delete_after --- deleting objects with logs after a specified time.

List of possible fields:

  • container_name
  • timestamp
  • host
  • server_to_client_bytes
  • client_to_server_bytes
  • http_method
  • status
  • path
  • query
  • client_ip

List of possible filters (filters):

  • host
  • container_name

Example request

curl -i -XPOST -H 'X-Auth-Token: $token' -d '{"since": "2019-05-14T06:00:00","till": "2019-12-09T13:43:00", "fields": ["container_name"], "filters": {"host": ["", ""]}, "container": "logs", "delete_after": 3600}' ''

If the request is successful, the API will return a response with code 200.

Example answer

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 342
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2020 13:01:34 GMT

"task": {
"id": "896aae80-bc7e-434d-8528-5ca2bfb41a56",
"created": "2020-01-14T13:01:34",
"updated": "2020-01-14T13:01:34",
"type": "storage_logs",
"data": {
"since": "2019-05-14T06:00:00",
"till": "2019-12-09T13:43:00",
"provider": "storage_access",
"container": "logs",
"fields": ["container_name"],
"filters": {"host": ["", ""]},
"delete_after": 3600
"status": 0,
"progress": 0

Getting information about the created task

Request parameters

Request typeURIHeadingsDescription
GET$task\_idX-Auth-Token --- authorization tokenCreate a logs container and upload storage logs to it

Example request

curl -i -XPOST -H 'X-Auth-Token: $token' -d '{"since": "2019-05-14T06:00:00","till": "2019-12-09T13:43:00", "fields": ["container_name"], "filters": {"host": ["", ""]}, "container": "logs", "delete_after": 3600}' ''

Example answer

"task": {
"id": "896aae80-bc7e-434d-8528-5ca2bfb41a56",
"created": "2020-01-14T13:01:34",
"updated": "2020-01-14T13:01:45",
"type": "storage_logs",
"data": {
"till": "2019-12-09T13:43:00",
"since": "2019-05-14T06:00:00",
"fields": ["container_name"],
"filters": {"host": ["", ""]},
"provider": "storage_access",
"container": "logs",
"delete_after": 3600
"status": 2,
"progress": 100