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Manage guest OS credentials
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Manage guest OS credentials


The login depends on the OS of the virtual machines:

  • Linux OS: login root;
  • Windows OS: login Administrator.

View password

When creating a VM from a template, the following option is enabled Auto generate passwordwhich will create a new password when the VM is powered on.

  1. In the Cloud Director panel, open the virtual data center page. You can access Cloud Director from control panels: VMware-based cloudCloud Director.
  2. Go to the section ComputeVirtual Machines.
  3. In the card of the desired virtual machine, click Details.
  4. Select Guest OS Customization.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. In the field Specify password look up the password.

Password requirements

If the password does not meet the requirements, it will not be changed, although the recast task will succeed.

The password must be at least six characters long and contain a combination of at least three categories:

  • capital letters of the English alphabet from A before Z;
  • lowercase letters of the English alphabet from a before z;
  • figures (from 0 before 9);
  • non-alphabetic characters (!, $, #, %).

Change password

  1. From control panels open the Cloud Director panel: VMware-based cloudCloud Director.
  2. Open the virtual data center page.
  3. Go to the section ComputeVirtual Machines.
  4. On the menu ACTIONS of the virtual machine, select PowerShut Down Guest OS. VM will be shut down.
  5. In the virtual machine card, click Details.
  6. Select Guest OS Customization.
  7. Click Edit.
  8. Check the box Enable Guest Customization.
  9. Check the box Auto Generate Password to generate a password automatically or set a password yourself in the field Specify Password. Take into account password requirements. The password is not displayed when you enter it, so enter the password manually (do not paste a copied one).
  10. Click Save.
  11. To perform a recustomization, in the menu ACTIONS of the virtual machine, select Power on, Force recustomization.