Link the public cloud to other products via a new subnet to connect virtual machines without a client Edge router
With the help of global router Selectel can link the public cloud with other Selectel products that can be connected to the global router, more details in the instructions General information about Selectel Global Router service.
You can customize cohesion in several scenarios, see the instructions for other scenarios Ways to connect a public cloud to a global router.
Customization Description
At your request, we will create a private subnet of the public cloud that will be visible in the network list of your virtual data center. The subnet will connect the virtual machines directly to the Service Edge router managed by Selectel. In this case, the Service Edge router will be the gateway. You will define the network address and the address for the Service Edge router yourself and specify it in the ticket to create the new subnet.
You will not be able to control the routing of the subnet you create, only add virtual machines to it. Virtual machines that you add to this subnet can simultaneously be added to other subnets in the public cloud.
What you need to customize
You can use any infrastructure that you want to connect to the public cloud via a global router for configuration. The infrastructure elements and its network settings are shown as an example.
Customization result

In the example, the dedicated server, cloud server, and public cloud virtual machine will be connected through a global router using a new public cloud subnet.
Customization steps
- Create a global router.
- Connect the subnets of the dedicated server and cloud platform to a global router.
- Create a new subnet to communicate with the global router.
- Connect the virtual machines to the new subnet.
- If the virtual machine is added to other subnets, route in the virtual machine.
- Write static routes on dedicated and cloud servers.
1. Create a global router
Use the instructions Create a global router.
2. Connect the subnets of the dedicated server and cloud platform to the global router
To connect the subnet of a dedicated server (in the example
) and the subnet of the cloud platform (in the example
) to the global router, use section Connect networks and subnets to a global router instructions Link products and services through a global router.
3. Create a new subnet to communicate with the global router
Create a ticket with a request to create a new private public cloud subnet that will connect the Service Edge router with virtual machines. In the ticket, specify:
- The way to connect the public cloud to the global router is the first way;
- The ID of the global router, can be found in the control panels under Network services → Selectel Global Router → router page → the field under the router name;
- the name of the virtual data center, you can see in the control panels under VMware-based cloud → Virtual data centers → virtual data center card;
- the desired CIDR of the new subnet — in the example
; - the desired subnet gateway, this address will be assigned to the service Edge router — in the example
; - optional: name for the subnet.
We will create the subnet and report it in the ticket. The subnet will appear in Cloud Director in the list of virtual data center subnets.
4. Connect the virtual machine to the new subnet
- From control panels open the Cloud Director panel: in the top menu, click Products → VMware-based cloud → section Cloud Director.
- Open the virtual data center page.
- Go to the section Compute →Virtual Machines.
- Open the page of the virtual machine you want to associate with the global router.
- Go to the VM section Hardware → NICs.
- Click EDIT.
- Optional: to create a new port, press NEW.
- In the port row, in the column Adapter Type select VMXNET3.
- In the port row, in the column Network select the subnet that was created through a ticket.
- In the port row, in the column IP enter the address for the virtual machine from the subnet you created
— by way of example192.168.2.2
. - Click Save.
- If you added networking to a powered-on virtual machine, turn it off и turn on with recastomization. The network interface and its settings will be added to the virtual machine.
5. Write routes on the virtual machine
If a public cloud virtual machine is only added to a new subnet that we are created at your request via ticket skip this step.
If a public cloud virtual machine is added not only to the new public cloud virtual machine but also to other public cloud subnets that are connected to your Edge router, you will need to prescribe static routes.
The route configuration options depend on which gateway you choose as the Default Gateway:
- the address of your (client) Edge router — in the example
- or the address of the service Edge router — in the example
Client Edge router address
Service Edge router address
- From control panels open the Cloud Director panel: in the top menu, click Products → VMware-based cloud → section Cloud Director.
- Open the virtual data center page.
- Go to the section Compute →Virtual Machines.
- Open the page of the virtual machine you want to associate with the global router.
- Go to the VM section Hardware → NICs.
- Click EDIT.
- In the row with the subnet that is connected to the client Edge router and is not connected to the global router, check the check box Primary NIC.
- In a virtual machine static routes to server subnets and other services that are associated with the global router, via the address of the Service Edge router — in the example
- From control panels open the Cloud Director panel: in the top menu, click Products → VMware-based cloud → section Cloud Director.
- Open the virtual data center page.
- Go to the section Compute →Virtual Machines.
- Open the page of the virtual machine you want to associate with the global router.
- Go to the VM section Hardware → NICs.
- Click EDIT.
- In the row with the new subnet that is connected to the Service Edge router, check the checkboxes Primary NIC.
- In a virtual machine static routes to the other subnets that are not connected to the global router and with which the virtual machine must communicate, via the address of your (client) Edge router — in the example
. You do not need to configure routes to the service subnets that are connected to the global router — the virtual machine will be available from them by default.
6. Prescribe static routes on dedicated and cloud servers
If the global router is used as the default gateway on the cloud and dedicated servers, you do not need to specify routes.
If not, on cloud and dedicated servers that are linked to a global router, static routes:
specify the CIDR of the new public cloud subnet as the destination subnet — in the example
; -
as gateway, specify the address from the subnet to which the corresponding server is added and which is used as the gateway of the global router, in the example:
- for a dedicated server--
; - for the cloud server--
- for a dedicated server--