Public cloud networks
What networking patterns are in the public cloud, what ports are blocked
Edge routers
How Edge routers work and what sizes they come in, how to create an Edge router, change its settings and size, how Edge router redundancy works and is enabled, and how to remove an Edge router
Create a network
How to create a new network
NAT rules
How NAT rules work and how to configure SNAT and DNAT
Configure Firewall
How to create Firewall and IP Sets
Set up a VPN
How to set up an IPSec VPN, SSL VPN or L2 VPN
Manage the IP addresses of Edge routers
How to add and remove Edge router IP addresses
Create a common network between virtual data centers
How to create a shared network between virtual data centers to provide network connectivity between virtual machines from different virtual data centers
Manage Direct Connected subnets
How to create and delete Direct Connected subnets