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Create an SSL certificate for NSX Edge
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Create an SSL certificate for NSX Edge

You can import a valid CA certificate or use a self-signed one.

  1. From control panels open the Cloud Director panel: in the top menu, click ProductsVMware-based cloud → section Cloud Director.
  2. Open the virtual data center page.
  3. Go to the section NetworkingEdges.
  4. Open the page of the desired Edge.
  5. Click SERVICES.
  6. Open the tab Certificates.
  7. Click +CSR (Certificate Signing Request).
  8. Enter the certificate details.
  9. Click KEEP.
  10. Mark the CSR that has been created.
  11. Click self-sign CSR.
  12. Select the validity period of the certificate.
  13. Click KEEP. The certificate will appear in the list of available certificates.