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VMware-based public cloud payment and pricing model
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VMware-based public cloud payment and pricing model


To pay for public cloud resources, depending on the type of balance in the account, the following is used single balance or VMware-based cloud balance.

You can pay for the public cloud in a number of ways types of funds: fixed assets, bonuses.

Before connecting to the public cloud (creating a virtual data center) top up for a minimum of 1,000 ₽.

To always have enough money on your balance, you can set up balance notifications и autoreplenishment.

Payment model

VMware-based public cloud is paid on a pay-as-you-go model — pay per consumed resources is deducted every hour. Money starts to be deducted from the balance after successful creating a virtual data center.

If you're create templates vApp, you pay for storage resources — all disks of virtual machines of this template.

If all virtual machines in the virtual data center are powered off, Edge routers, networks, routed addresses, and licenses continue to be charged. If you shut down one virtual machine out of several, disk usage charges continue.

You can stop payment by opting out of the public cloud — to do so delete virtual data centers.

Read more about payment in Terms of Use.

Blocking of resources if there is not enough money on the balance

If there is not enough money on the balance to pay for the consumed resources, access to the virtual data center is suspended. At the same time, public cloud resources (vCPU, memory, disks, Edge routers, IP addresses, Direct Connected subnets) continue to be charged.

To regain access top up.

If you don't recharge:

  • within 5 days — virtual machines will be shut down;
  • within 14 days — all virtual machines and other resources will be deleted without possibility of recovery.


To view resource prices and calculate the approximate cost of a VMware-based public cloud using the calculator, please go to

When calculating the cost, all virtual machine configuration parameters (vCPU, RAM, disk size) are summed up. For stopped virtual machines, only disks are taken into account. Once per hour, the maximum value of resource amounts is selected and multiplied by the resource cost per hour, which will be deducted from the balance.

View Consumption

To see the cost of your infrastructure, consumption and payment for cloud resources, go to control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsVMware-based cloudConsumption.

Present value

Present Value is the amount of money that the current VMware cloud infrastructure configuration consumes per month, day, or hour.

The current cost of resources can be viewed in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsVMware-based cloudConsumption → tab Present value.

Consumption and payment schedules

Graphs of consumption and payment for computing resources can be viewed in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsVMware-based cloudConsumption → tab Schedule of Expenditures.

You can see the consumption and payment of resources and sort them by time period.

To upload consumption and payment details in the format of .csv, press Download CSV and select how the rows will be grouped in the upload (by hours, days, weeks, months, years).

All of them resource locks are displayed on consumption schedules and payment schedules (tabs Consumed и Paid).

Consumption report

You can generate and upload a report on the consumption of paid resources for any period of time.

You can generate a report in control panels: from the top menu, press ProductsVMware-based cloudConsumption → tab Consumption report. In the report, you can display the cost of resources per year, month, week, day, or hour.

Reporting documents

After payment, you can report.