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Manage replication jobs
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Manage replication jobs

You can manage replication jobs on your cloud or Selectel cloud side. The instructions describe how to manage jobs on the Selectel cloud side.

Create a replication job

Read more about setting up replication in the instructions Create a Protection VMware documentation.

  1. From control panels open the Cloud Director panel: in the top menu, click ProductsVMware-based cloud → section Cloud Director.

  2. On the menu Menu select Availability.

  3. Go to the section Incoming Replications.

  4. Click (New protection).

  5. In step Cloud vApps and VMs in the field Source site select the primary site from which the virtual machines will be replicated.

  6. Check the virtual machines that you want to replicate. They must be powered on — as long as the virtual machine is powered off, replication will not start.

  7. Click Next.

  8. In step Destination VDC and Storage policy Select a virtual data center in the Selectel cloud to which replication will take place.

  9. Select storage policy that matches your virtual data center.

  10. Click Next.

  11. In step Settings specify RPO value, see instructions for details Recovery Point Objective VMware documentation. When selecting a value, consider your infrastructure requirements: if you have a slow Internet connection or a large amount of data to change on the primary virtual machine, increase the RPO value.

  12. Turn on the toggle switch Enable retention policy and configure a policy for creating and storing copies of virtual machines:

    • Instances — the number of replication instances to be stored at a time;
    • Distance — frequency of copy creation in units from the field Unit;
    • Unit — A unit of time measurement (hours, days, months, etc.).
  13. Optional: to set the time of the first synchronization in the block Delay start synchronization enable the toggle switch and specify the date and time of the first synchronization of virtual machines on the primary and backup sites.

  14. Optional: to exclude individual disks from replication and save disk space on the backup site, in the block Exclude disks turn on the toggle switch.

  15. Optional: If there is already a copy of the replicated virtual machine in the Selectel cloud and you want to synchronize it with the virtual machine on the primary site, in the Block Configure Seed VM turn on the toggle switch and specify the target machine.

  16. Click Next.

  17. If in the block Configure Seed VM you turned on the toggle switch, in a step Seed VM select the virtual machine copies to synchronize.

  18. If in the block Exclude disks you turned on the toggle switch, in a step Replicated Disks mark the disks to be replicated.

  19. In step Ready to complete check the settings and press Finish. Creating a replication job will take time.

Create a reverse replication job

After emergency switching You can set up reverse replication from a backup site (Selectel cloud) to your primary site. To do this, the replication job for which the emergency switchover was made must be in the status of Failed-Over.

During the reverse replication process, the virtual machines will be available.

Read more about reverse replication jobs in the instructions Perform a Reverse Task VMware documentation.

  1. From control panels open the Cloud Director panel: in the top menu, click ProductsVMware-based cloud → section Cloud Director.
  2. On the menu Menu select Availability.
  3. Go to the section Incoming Replications.
  4. Mark the job for the virtual machine on which replication was performed.
  5. On the menu All actions select Reverse.
  6. Click Reverse.
  7. In a new job, on the tab Cloud vApps and VMs the primary site and virtual data centers will be automatically selected.
  8. Configure the other parameters as with creating a replication job.

Delete a replication job

  1. From control panels open the Cloud Director panel: in the top menu, click ProductsVMware-based cloud → section Cloud Director.
  2. On the menu Menu select Availability.
  3. Go to the section Incoming Replications.
  4. Mark the job for the virtual machine on which replication was performed.
  5. On the menu All actions select Delete replication.
  6. Click Delete.