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Connect to Selectel Cloud Availability
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Connect to Selectel Cloud Availability

You must connect to the Selectel cloud prior to by creating the first replication job.

If you are setting up replication for a third-party provider's public cloud, before connecting to the Selectel cloud, you must customize the connectivity between sites. If you are configuring disaster recovery for a private cloud or On-Premises infrastructure, after deploying a virtual machine from a template and specifying an endpoint, connectivity is automatically configured.

  1. From control panels open the Cloud Director panel: in the top menu, click ProductsVMware-based cloud → section Cloud Director.
  2. On the menu Menu select Availability.
  3. Go to the section Peer Sites.
  4. If you are configuring cloud-to-cloud disaster recovery, in the block Cloud sites select a site.
  5. If you are configuring disaster recovery from On-Premises to the cloud, in the block On-Premises sites select a site.
  6. Click LOGIN.
  7. Enter your Selectel Cloud credentials in the following format administrator-<s-xxxx>@<s-xxxx>where <s-xxxx> — organization name, can be viewed in the Cloud Director address bar or in the control panels under VMware-based cloud in the list of organizations. You can view your login and change your password in control panels under VMware-based cloudUsers. If the Selectel cloud has a successful connection, the Selectel cloud has the following column Management Session a green mark will appear .