Connect to Selectel Cloud Availability
Connect to Selectel Cloud Availability
You must connect to the Selectel cloud prior to by creating the first replication job.
If you are setting up replication for a third-party provider's public cloud, before connecting to the Selectel cloud, you must customize the connectivity between sites. If you are configuring disaster recovery for a private cloud or On-Premises infrastructure, after deploying a virtual machine from a template and specifying an endpoint, connectivity is automatically configured.
- From control panels open the Cloud Director panel: in the top menu, click Products → VMware-based cloud → section Cloud Director.
- On the menu Menu select Availability.
- Go to the section Peer Sites.
- If you are configuring cloud-to-cloud disaster recovery, in the block Cloud sites select a site.
- If you are configuring disaster recovery from On-Premises to the cloud, in the block On-Premises sites select a site.
- Click LOGIN.
- Enter your Selectel Cloud credentials in the following format
— organization name, can be viewed in the Cloud Director address bar or in the control panels under VMware-based cloud in the list of organizations. You can view your login and change your password in control panels under VMware-based cloud → Users. If the Selectel cloud has a successful connection, the Selectel cloud has the following column Management Session a green mark will appear .