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Product Description Disaster Recovery to VMware Cloud (DRaaS)
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Product Description Disaster Recovery to VMware Cloud (DRaaS)

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is the provisioning of VMware cloud computing resources to Selectel to build a resilient infrastructure for your cloud. DRaaS requires no capital expenditures and no additional hardware.

You can configure DRaaS for your VMware infrastructure (On-Premises), a private cloud, or a public cloud hosted by another VMware provider.

Principle of operation

Infrastructure resiliency is achieved by replicating your VMware-based cloud from your primary site to the Selectel cloud.

Virtual machines are synchronized according to the disaster recovery plan that you create when you configure DRaaS. In the event of a disaster on the primary site, you can quickly start virtual machines on the backup site with minimal downtime (RTO) and data loss (RPO).


Disaster recovery to the VMware cloud is available in two solutions:

  • VMware Cloud Director Availability™ is a DRaaS service built into VMware Cloud Director®. It is designed for migration between VMware clouds and disaster recovery. Allows you to set up replication between a customer's VMware vCenter Server and a VMware-based public cloud in Selectel. Backup of your infrastructure to Selectel cloud and vice versa is available;
  • Veeam Cloud Connect Replication™ is a DRaaS service embedded in Veeam Backup & Replication™. It is designed for disaster recovery using VM replication. In the event of a disaster, you can run individual VMs (Failover Now) or the entire infrastructure according to a prepared plan (Failover Plan).

Comparison of solutions

VMware Cloud Director AvailabilityVeeam Cloud Connect Replication
What it's good forVMware clouds at another provider and On-Premises infrastructureVMware Clouds in On-Premises Infrastructure
Configuring disaster recoveryThrough the vSphere plug-in or Cloud DirectorVia Veeam Backup & Replication
VM managementVia Cloud DirectorVia Cloud Director
Customizing RPO
Minimum RPOFrom one minuteFrom one minute
Setting up networks
Traffic compression✓ (for Veeam Backup & Replication version Enterprise and higher)
Disaster recovery testing capability
Support for virtualization platformsvSphere (version 6.5 U3 or higher)vSphere (version 6.5 or higher)
Port443 TCP6189 TCP


Since replication is to a VMware-based public cloud, disaster recovery uses its clusters. You can choose any public cloud cluster as a backup site.