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For your information

Эта инструкция — копия официальной документации OpenStack Terraform-провайдера в Terraform Registry.

Use this resource to configure a share network.

A share network stores network information that share servers can use when shares are created.

Example Usage

Basic share network

resource "openstack_networking_network_v2" "network_1" {
name = "network_1"
admin_state_up = "true"

resource "openstack_networking_subnet_v2" "subnet_1" {
name = "subnet_1"
cidr = ""
ip_version = 4
network_id =

resource "openstack_sharedfilesystem_sharenetwork_v2" "sharenetwork_1" {
name = "test_sharenetwork"
description = "test share network"
neutron_net_id =
neutron_subnet_id =

Share network with associated security services

resource "openstack_networking_network_v2" "network_1" {
name = "network_1"
admin_state_up = "true"

resource "openstack_networking_subnet_v2" "subnet_1" {
name = "subnet_1"
cidr = ""
ip_version = 4
network_id =

resource "openstack_sharedfilesystem_securityservice_v2" "securityservice_1" {
name = "security"
description = "created by terraform"
type = "active_directory"
server = ""
dns_ip = ""
domain = ""
ou = "CN=Computers,DC=example,DC=com"
user = "joinDomainUser"
password = "s8cret"

resource "openstack_sharedfilesystem_sharenetwork_v2" "sharenetwork_1" {
name = "test_sharenetwork"
description = "test share network with security services"
neutron_net_id =
neutron_subnet_id =
security_service_ids = [,

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • region - (Optional) The region in which to obtain the V2 Shared File System client. A Shared File System client is needed to create a share network. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new share network.

  • name - (Optional) The name for the share network. Changing this updates the name of the existing share network.

  • description - (Optional) The human-readable description for the share network. Changing this updates the description of the existing share network.

  • neutron_net_id - (Required) The UUID of a neutron network when setting up or updating a share network. Changing this updates the existing share network if it's not used by shares.

  • neutron_subnet_id - (Required) The UUID of the neutron subnet when setting up or updating a share network. Changing this updates the existing share network if it's not used by shares.

  • security_service_ids - (Optional) The list of security service IDs to associate with the share network. The security service must be specified by ID and not name.

Attributes Reference

  • id - The unique ID for the Share Network.
  • region - See Argument Reference above.
  • project_id - The owner of the Share Network.
  • name - See Argument Reference above.
  • description - See Argument Reference above.
  • neutron_net_id - See Argument Reference above.
  • neutron_subnet_id - See Argument Reference above.
  • security_service_ids - See Argument Reference above.
  • network_type - The share network type. Can either be VLAN, VXLAN, GRE, or flat.
  • segmentation_id - The share network segmentation ID.
  • cidr - The share network CIDR.
  • ip_version - The IP version of the share network. Can either be 4 or 6.


This resource can be imported by specifying the ID of the share network:

$ terraform import openstack_sharedfilesystem_sharenetwork_v2.sharenetwork_1 id