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For your information

Эта инструкция — копия официальной документации OpenStack Terraform-провайдера в Terraform Registry.

Use this data source to get authentication information about the current auth scope in use. This can be used as self-discovery or introspection of the username or project name currently in use as well as the service catalog.


While the set_token_id is true this data source will store an unencrypted session token in your Terraform state file. Use of this data source with set_token_id = true in production deployments is not recommended. Read more about sensitive data in state.

Example Usage


data "openstack_identity_auth_scope_v3" "scope" {
name = "my_scope"

To find the the public object storage endpoint for "region1" as listed in the service catalog:

locals {
object_store_service = [for entry in data.openstack_identity_auth_scope_v3.scope.service_catalog:
entry if entry.type=="object-store"][0]
object_store_endpoint = [for endpoint in local.object_store_service.endpoints:
endpoint if (endpoint.interface=="public" && endpoint.region=="region1")][0]
object_store_public_url = local.object_store_endpoint.url

In a combination with an http data source provider

See http provider for reference.

data "openstack_identity_auth_scope_v3" "scope" {
name = "my_scope"
locals {
object_store_service = [for entry in data.openstack_identity_auth_scope_v3.scope.service_catalog:
entry if entry.type=="object-store"][0]
object_store_endpoint = [for endpoint in local.object_store_service.endpoints:
endpoint if (endpoint.interface=="public" && endpoint.region=="region1")][0]
object_store_public_url = local.object_store_endpoint.url

data "http" "example" {
url = local.object_store_public_url

request_headers = {
"Accept" = "application/json"
"X-Auth-Token" = data.openstack_identity_auth_scope_v3.scope.token_id

# print object storage containers in JSON format
output "containers" {
value = data.http.example.response_body

Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) The name of the scope. This is an arbitrary name which is only used as a unique identifier so an actual token isn't used as the ID.

  • region - (Optional) The region in which to obtain the V3 Identity client. A Identity client is needed to retrieve tokens IDs. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used.

  • set_token_id - (Optional) A boolean argument that determines whether to export the current auth scope token ID. When set to true, the token_id attribute will contain an unencrypted token that can be used for further API calls. Warning: please note that the leaked token may allow unauthorized access to other OpenStack services within the current auth scope, so use this option with caution.

Attributes Reference

id is set to the name given to the scope. In addition, the following attributes are exported:

  • user_name - The username of the scope.
  • user_id - The user ID the of the scope.
  • user_domain_name - The domain name of the user.
  • user_domain_id - The domain ID of the user.
  • domain_name - The domain name of the scope.
  • domain_id - The domain ID of the scope.
  • project_name - The project name of the scope.
  • project_id - The project ID of the scope.
  • project_domain_name - The domain name of the project.
  • project_domain_id - The domain ID of the project.
  • token_id - The token ID of the scope.
  • roles - A list of roles in the current scope. See reference below.
  • service_catalog - A list of service catalog entries returned with the token.

The roles block contains:

  • role_id - The ID of the role.
  • role_name - The name of the role.

The service_catalog block contains:

  • id - The ID of the service.
  • name - The name of the service.
  • type - The type of the service.
  • endpoints - A list of endpoints for the service.

The endpoints block contains:

  • id - The ID of the endpoint.
  • region - The region of the endpoint.
  • region_id - The region ID of the endpoint.
  • interface - The interface of the endpoint.
  • url - The URL of the endpoint.