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The mobile farm uses a tool for logging messages logcat.

You can log at any time. To customize the logs, use filters.

Write down the logs

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Mobile farm.
  2. Go to the section Farms.
  3. Open the mobile farm page.
  4. Click on the serial number of the device.
  5. Open the tab Logs.
  6. Set it up filters.
  7. Click .
  8. To stop logging, press .

Filters for logs

Logcat Level

Filtering by priority — logs display messages with selected and higher priority:

  • Verbose (lowest priority) — messages describing process details;
  • Debug — messages for debugging;
  • Info — informational messages;
  • Warn — Warnings;
  • Error — error messages;
  • Fatal (highest priority) — critical error messages
TextText filtering — logs display messages that contain typed text
TimeTime filtering — logs display messages that will appear in the specified time interval. Format — HH:MM:SS.sss. For example, if the field Time specify 11:56The logs will include one minute's worth of messages. To get 10 minutes of messages, specify 11:5
PIDFiltering by process ID — logs display messages that are triggered by the selected process
TIDFiltering by thread ID — logs display messages that are called by the selected thread. This value is related to the PID, but may vary because there may be multiple TIDs per PID
TagFiltering by tag — logs display messages from the selected system component