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Restore the information base from a backup copy
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Restore the information base from a backup copy

It is not possible to restore from a backup to the original information base, you must create a new information base and upload the backup to it.

  1. В control panels go to Ready cloud 1CInformation bases.
  2. Click Create an information base.
  3. Enter the name of the information base. It will be used only in the control panel.
  4. Optional: change the public name. This name is used to form an external link to the base. The public name is automatically transliterated to Latin from the internal name. It can include letters, numbers and hyphen.
  5. Select a 1C server cluster. Only clusters with the following statuses are available for selection ACTIVEThe status of the cluster can be viewed in control panels → section Ready cloud 1C1C server clusters.
  6. Select a SQL database. Only databases in status are available for selection ACTIVEThe status of the database can be viewed in control panels → section Ready cloud 1CDatabases.
  7. Click Create an information base. Wait until the status of the information base changes to ACTIVE.
  8. В control panels go to Ready cloud 1CInformation bases.
  9. Open the page of the desired base → tab Configuration.
  10. In the block Loading 1C configuration select Backup copy.
  11. Select the information base, a copy of which you want to restore.
  12. Select the backup to restore. Only backups in status are available for selection AVAILABLEand the status of the copy can be viewed in control panels → section Ready cloud 1CInformation bases → information base page → tab Backups.
  13. Click Restore.