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Manage backups of the information base
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Manage backups of the information base

For the information base, you can back up manuallyas well as configure scheduled backups.

The backup can be used to data recoveryas well as download or delete.

Create a manual backup

It can be manually created:

There is no limit to the number of manually created copies.

  1. В control panels go to Ready cloud 1CInformation bases.
  2. Open the information base page.
  3. Open the tab Backups.
  4. Click Create a backup.
  5. Enter a name for the backup.
  6. Click Create. A copy will appear in the block Backups. When her status changes to AVAILABLEyou'll be able to download a copy or retrieve the information base from it.

Configure scheduled backups

Through scheduled backups, copies of the information base are created by means of PostgreSQL DBMS. If you need a file .dt, create a manual backup.

Only one schedule can be configured for an information base. The maximum number of copies per schedule is 10: when the number of copies per schedule reaches 10, the oldest copy is deleted when the next copy is created.

Enable scheduled backup

  1. В control panels go to Ready cloud 1CInformation bases.
  2. Open the information base page.
  3. Open the tab Backups.
  4. In the schedule line, enable the schedule. The default setting is to create backups every Monday at 00:00 in your time zone, the number of backups is seven.
  5. Optional: if you need a schedule with other conditions, change it.


  1. В control panels go to Ready cloud 1CInformation bases.

  2. Open the information base page.

  3. Open the tab Backups.

  4. In the block Schedule check that the schedule is on.

  5. In the block Schedule click .

  6. Specify how to customize the schedule:

    • by days of the week — select the desired days and enter the time in your time zone on which backups will be created;
    • cron-expression — configure cron. Enter the time in UTC +00:00.

    The Cron expression consists of five values in order — they specify the time points at which backups will be created:

    • minutes from 0 to 59;
    • hours — 0 to 24;
    • days of the month — from 1 to 31;
    • month one through 12;
    • days of the week, 1 through 7.

    Any of the values can be replaced by the symbol * — it stands for every possible value.

    For example, the entry 0 0,12 * * 1,5 Will create backups on Monday and Friday at 00:00 and 12:00 regardless of the date.

    To create cron statements, you can use online editors such as, crontab guru.

  7. Specify how many recent backups you want to keep, from 1 to 10. If you reduce the current number, then after automatic creation of new backups, the previous backups that do not fall under the new limit will be deleted. For example, instead of storing seven backups, you set the number of backups to four — after creating one new backup, the first four will be deleted (leaving one new backup and three previous backups). All copies, handmadewill remain in place.

  8. Click Save.

Stop scheduled backup

If you need to temporarily suspend backup creation, stop the schedule execution. The previously created backups will be saved. The schedule can be reactivated later.

  1. В control panels go to Ready cloud 1CInformation bases.
  2. Open the information base page.
  3. Open the tab Backups.
  4. In the schedule row, turn off the schedule.

Download the backup

Only a copy in status can be downloaded AVAILABLE.

  1. В control panels go to Ready cloud 1CInformation bases.
  2. Open the information base page.
  3. Open the tab Backups.
  4. In the block Backups open the menu copies and select Download.

Delete backup

Only the copy in status can be deleted AVAILABLE, FAILED or CANCELLED.

  1. В control panels go to Ready cloud 1CInformation bases.
  2. Open the information base page.
  3. Open the tab Backups.
  4. In the block Backups open the menu copies and select Delete.