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Change web publishing settings
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Change web publishing settings

To make it possible to connect to the information base via the Internet, a web publication is created for it — the information base is published on a web server.

In the ready-made 1C cloud, web publications for information databases are created automatically, using Apache web server. When creating a web publication, two files with default settings are automatically generated — conf-file with web server settings and file default.vrd with the publication description for the web server extension module of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

You can modify the default.vrd file in the control panel. If after changing the file errors appear when connecting to the database via the Internet — you can restore the default file.

Conf-the file cannot be changed.

Modify the default.vrd file

  1. В control panels go to Ready cloud 1CInformation bases.
  2. Open the information base page.
  3. Open the tab Web publication.
  4. Make the necessary changes to the contents of the file in XML format. For more information about the file structure, see 1C documentation. If you change the fields .point@base и .point@ibIf you save the changes, they will return to default values. This is necessary for correct operation of the information base.
  5. Click Modify file.
  6. Confirm the change.
  7. Optional: check that there are no errors in the new web publishing settings. To do this connect to the information base via a web client. If an error occurs when connecting, check the changes you made in step 4 or restore the default.vrd file to default.

Restore the default.vrd file to its default state

  1. В control panels go to Ready cloud 1CInformation bases.
  2. Open the information base page.
  3. Open the tab Web publication.
  4. Click Restore default file.
  5. Confirm the recovery.