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Activate license
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Activate license

You can activate 1C server and user software licenses. You can use your own licenses and rent them from us, to rent licenses file a ticket and specify the required number. One 1C server cluster requires one server license and at least one user license.

You can activate licenses in control panels — enter the registration data or use the activation command. If you activate the license again, the data must be exactly the same as the data you entered during the first activation. If you activate the license for the first time, save the data you entered during activation — for example, take a screenshot.

  1. В control panels go to Ready cloud 1C1C server clusters.
  2. Open the cluster page → tab Licenses.
  3. Click Activate license.
  4. Click Registration data.
  5. Enter the kit number (license registration number).
  6. Enter the PIN code. If you have already activated this license, use the following PIN code from the kit.
  7. If you are using the next PIN code in the set, enter the previous PIN code — the one you used during the previous activation. If you are activating the license for the first time, leave the field blank.
  8. Select the type of owner — company or individual.
  9. If you've chosen the owner's view Company, enter the name of the organization.
  10. Enter the full name of the license holder — for example, a company employee responsible for 1C.
  11. Enter the email to which the PIN code will be activated. This email can be used to data acquisition about the license holder and the status of PIN codes, as well as for obtaining backup PIN codes.
  12. Enter any address you use as a mailing address.
  13. Click Activate.