General information about Server Protection service
The Server Protection service provides software and hardware-software tools that are designed to protect information on the server. The tools are installed on the server or connected to it.
You should use server protection tools if your system has higher requirements for the level of information protection. Such requirements are set:
- to protect government systems (GIS up to and including K1);
- personal data protection (ISPDN up to and including UZ-1);
- fulfillment of the requirements of FSTEC Orders No. 17 and No. 21;
- compliance with international information system standards.
Depending on the specifics of your infrastructure and the list of requirements you need to fulfill, you can order:
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security — A comprehensive solution to protect against threats;
- Secret Net LSP — unauthorized access tool for Linux;
- Secret Net Studio — unauthorized access protection for Windows operating systems;
- Dallas Lock trusted boot tool — trusted boot tool for dedicated servers in the Attested data center segment (A-DC).
You can see the features of each product and select the right one using the tables below Comparison of server security features и List of implemented security measures.
For additional infrastructure protection, you can configure cloud firewall, basic firewall and connect a hardware or virtualization device firewall.