Server protection
Software and hardware for data protection on the server and compliance with FSTEC requirements
Main product information
General Information
Basic information about server protection: description, comparison of server protection tools, list of implemented security measures
Terms of use
Legal document, basic rules for the use of server security features
All about the product
General Information
Basic information about server protection: description, comparison of server protection tools, list of implemented security measures
Kaspersky Endpoint Security
What is included in the service, cost, how to order the service and install the software on the server, how to cancel the service
Secret Net LSP
What is included in the service, cost, how to order the service and install the software on the server, how to cancel the service
Secret Net Studio
What is included in the service, cost, how to order the service and install the software on the server, how to cancel the service
Dallas Lock trusted boot tool
What is included in the service, cost, how to order the service and refuse the service
Additional materials
Security Center
Selectel's project on how to counter information security threats and protect your systems from attacks and hacking
Blog Articles
Selectel experts' experience, technical reviews and case studies
Academy Instructions
Working with popular tools
Academy Courses
Materials for product training
How We Ensure Security in Selectel Products
Data centers
How our data centers are organized