A firewall is a hardware or software system that controls and filters traffic according to configured rules. A firewall protects the infrastructure behind it from network attacks
Main product information
How firewalls work, what types of screens can be rented, what services are included in the rentals
Terms of use
A legal document with basic rules for the use of the product
Hardware firewall payment model
How to pay for a hardware firewall, what balance to use, what the price depends on
Virtual firewall payment model
How to pay for a virtual firewall, what balance to use, what the price depends on
Availability matrices
In which regions and pools different types of firewalls are available
Users and roles
How to differentiate access to account and resources using user types and roles
All about the product
General information
Basic information about firewalls: description, payment
Order a firewall
How to choose the right firewall and order it
Working with Selectel firewall
How to connect to a Selectel firewall, change network settings, work with an account, assign a network interface to a port, and other instructions
Working with a FortiGate firewall
How to connect to the FortiGate firewall, account management, firmware upgrades, VLAN configuration, and other instructions
Working with UserGate firewall
How to deploy a UserGate VE virtual firewall, connect to it, and get the server behind the screen
Additional materials
Blog Articles
Selectel specialists' experience in different formats, topics and headings
Academy Instructions
Installing and configuring systems, working with popular tools
Academy Courses
Materials for product training
FAQ on the site
Answers to frequently asked questions about the firewall
About our safety at all levels
Network infrastructure
What networks we have and how they are organized
Data centers
How our data centers are organized