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Implementation of physical security measures on the Selectel side
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Implementation of physical security measures on the Selectel side

The list of physical security measures to be taken when placing the infrastructure in A data centers is determined by Order No. 17 of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 11, 2013 and Order No. 21 of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 18, 2013.

Selectel implements some of the physical security measures that are in its area of responsibility in accordance with Annex 2 to the Terms of Use.

Content of measures to ensure the security of personal dataImplemented in Selectel

Organization of a controlled area within which stationary technical means, processing information, and information protection means are permanently located, as well as means to ensure the functioning of the

Organized a controlled area with permanent housing:
- stationary technical means that process information;
- information security features;
- enablers


Control and management of physical access to technical means, information protection means, means of ensuring the functioning of the information system, as well as to the premises and facilities in which they are installed, excluding unauthorized physical access to information processing means, information protection means and means of ensuring the functioning of the information system, to the premises and facilities in which they are installed

We control physical access to technical means, means of information protection, means of ensuring functioning:
- have identified a list of people with clearance;
- keep a record of physical access;
- described physical access control rules and procedures in the company's internal documentation

ZTS.4Placement of information output (display) devices, excluding its unauthorized viewingDo not use information output and display devices

Protection against external influences (environmental influences, instability of power supply, conditioning and other external factors)

Located in data centers that are Tier III compliant. They provide:
- prompt restoration of power and air-conditioning systems;
- compliance with fire safety measures
- Compliance with equipment operating conditions and environmental conditions


Management (filtering, routing, connection control, unidirectional transmission and other control methods) of information flows between devices, information system segments, as well as between information systems

We provide the service with the condition of connecting the server through a dedicated firewall. Application of firewall screen allows the user to fulfill the requirement of information flow management


Separation of powers (roles) of users, administrators and persons ensuring the functioning of information system

Separated the roles of information security administrators and support staff and described them in the company's internal documentation


Assignment of minimum necessary rights and privileges to users, administrators and persons providing functioning of the information system

Assigned minimum required rights and privileges according to job responsibilities and described job duties and roles in internal company documentation


Partitioning the information system into segments (information system segmentation) and ensuring protection of perimeters of information system segments

We provide the service with the condition of connecting the server through a dedicated firewall. Application of firewall screen allows the user to fulfill the requirement to divide the information system into segments and provide protection of the segment perimeter.

ZNI.1.Accounting for machine-readable data carriersKeeping track of server hard disks
ZNI.2.Managing access to machine storage media

Manage access to machine storage media:
- identified a list of employees who have physical access;
- described access rules and procedures in the company's internal documentation


Destruction (erasure) of information on machine media during their transfer between users, to third-party organizations for repair or disposal, as well as destruction (erasure) control

Destroy information on machine-readable media:
- when canceling a service;
- when the carrier is decommissioned from operation.
Described the destruction procedure and destruction control in the company's internal documentation

RSB.1Determination of security events to be recorded and their retention periodsDefined recordable physical security events and their retention periods
RSB.2Determination of the composition and content of information on security events to be recorded

Determined the composition and content of information on recorded physical security events and described in internal company documentation

RSB.3Collecting, recording and storing security event information for a specified retention time

Collect, record, and store physical security event information for a set time.
Provide centralized automated management of information collection, recording and storage

RSB.5Monitoring (viewing, analyzing) the results of security event registration and responding to them

Review and analyze the results of physical security event logging and response.
Described monitoring rules and procedures in the company's internal documentation

RSB.7Protecting security event information

Protecting physical security event information:
- only responsible employees have access to audit records and management functions ;
- audit records are backed up

CCT.1Use of fault-tolerant technical means

We use fault-tolerant hardware in our data center infrastructure:
- determined the limit values of readiness and reliability characteristics;
- recorded the values of availability and reliability characteristics under conditions of use;
- monitor the current values of availability and reliability characteristics;
- replace funds that reach their limit value


Redundancy of technical means, software, information transmission channels, means of ensuring functioning of information system

We apply redundant technical means, information transmission channels and means of ensuring operation. The entire data center infrastructure is reserved.
Described reservation policies and procedures in the company's internal documentation


Control of failure-free operation of technical means, detection and localization of failures, taking measures to restore failed means and their testing

Control the uptime of the data center infrastructure:
- detect and localize failures functioning;
- take measures to restore failed assets and test them


Control over the state and quality of provision of computing resources (capacities) by the authorized person, including information transfer

Monitor the status and quality of resource delivery with:
- user agreement;
- terms of use of individual services;
- orders to process personal data

INZ.1.Identify those responsible for identifying and responding to incidentsIdentified a list of those responsible for identifying and responding to physical security incidents
INC.2.Detection, identification and recording of incidentsFind, identify and record physical security incidents

Timely informing the persons responsible for incident detection and response about the occurrence of incidents in the information system by users and administrators

Staff who are involved in the provision and operation of the service report physical security incidents to those in charge in a timely manner


Incident analysis, including identification of sources and causes of incidents and assessment of their consequences

In the case of a physical security incident, analyze sources and causes of occurrence, assess consequences

INZ.5.Taking measures to eliminate the consequences of incidentsIn the event of a physical security incident, we take remedial action
INZ.6.Planning and taking measures to prevent the recurrence of incidents

In the event of a physical security incident, plan and take measures to prevent a second occurrence


Identification of persons who are authorized to make changes to the configuration of the information system and information protection system

Defined a list of employees who can make changes to the configuration
UCF.2.Management of changes in the configuration of the information system and information protection systemDescribed the process for managing configuration changes in the company's internal documentation

Analyzing the potential impact of planned changes in the configuration of the information system and the information protection system on information security and coordinating changes in the configuration of the information system with the official responsible for ensuring information security

Analyze the potential impact of planned changes on information security and coordinate changes with the security officer.


Documentation of information (data) on changes in the configuration of the information system and the system of protection of information

Document information about the changes:
- in the server's wiring diagram;
- server layout;
- server configurations