Create a web resource
In control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Web resources.
Make sure you're in project where the domain zone on the basis of which you want to create a resource is created.
Click Create a web resource.
Select the domain zone on the basis of which you want to create a resource.
Click Further.
At the stage Hostnames:
6.1 Specify the primary hostname, which is the primary domain that your site or application will be opened on. By default, the main hostname is the name of the domain zone. The primary hostname cannot be changed after the web resource is created.
6.2 Optionally: add additional hostnames — subdomains, for this purpose in the field Additional hostname click Add and enter the first part of the subdomain name. The list of additional hostnames cannot be changed after the web resource is created.
Click Further.
At the stage Sources:
8.1. Enter the IP address and port of the source where the domain content resides. The source will be able to modify, delete and add after the web resource has been created.
8.2 Optionally: add additional sources by pressing Add, enter the IP address and port of the additional source.
Click Further.
At the stage Certificate add a TLS(SSL)-certificate:
- To issue a Let's Encrypt® certificate for the share, click Issue a Let's Encrypt certificate for the resource. The certificate will apply to all hostnames of the web resource. After the Let's Encrypt® certificate is issued, the site, service, or application will not automatically open over HTTPS — you need to download a new certificate and install it on your web server;
- to select a user certificate from Secrets manager, press Select your certificate and select a certificate from the list. The certificate must apply to all hostnames of the web resource, you can see the list of hostnames in the control panels: from the top menu, press Products → Web resources → Web resource page. The selected certificate must be installed on your web server.
Click Further.
At the stage Confirmation:
12.1 Check the web resource data.
12.2. Press Create a web resource.
The domain zone will automatically create an A-record for the primary hostname and a separate ALIAS record for each additional hostname. The TTL of the records is 3600 seconds. TTL is the time during which a resource record in the NS server cache is considered up-to-date and does not need to be re-cached.