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Change TLS(SSL)-certificate
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Change TLS(SSL)-certificate

  1. В control panels go to Web resourcesWeb resources.

  2. Open the web resource page → tab Settings.

  3. Click Modify.

  4. Select a new certificate:

    • To issue a Let's Encrypt® certificate for the share, click Issue a Let's Encrypt certificate for the resource. The certificate will apply to all hostnames of the web resource. After the Let's Encrypt® certificate is issued, the site, service, or application will not automatically open over HTTPS — you need to download a new certificate and install it on your web server;
    • to select a user certificate from the manager of secrets, press Select your certificate and select a certificate from the list. The certificate must apply to all hostnames of the web resource, the list of hostnames can be viewed in the control panels under Web resourcesWeb resources → Web resource page. The selected certificate must be installed on your web server.
  5. Click Apply.