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Stop lists
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Stop lists

A stop list is a list of email addresses that are excluded from the recipient list when a mailing is sent.

There are two kinds of stop lists in the postal service:

  • local — includes addresses from which an error was returned when sending from your domain 5**and a spam complaint has been filed;
  • global — includes all addresses from which an error has ever been returned 5** when sending through the service. Also contains the base of the service Mailvalidator — spam traps, invalid addresses, addresses with frequent spam complaints.

If the address is found in the stop list, the email will not be sent to it, it will return in the SMTP-dialog mistake 550 bounced check filter. If there are several recipients in the e-mail and at least one of the addresses is found in the stop list, the e-mail will not be sent to anyone, the sending should be repeated separately for each of the recipients.

Stop lists cannot be disabled or see the list of addresses in them. You can remove an email address from the local stop list. You cannot remove an address from the global stop list.

Remove an email address from the local stop list

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select Postal service.

  2. Open the resource page → tab Stop lists.

  3. In the field Recipient's address enter the email address to which the newsletter cannot be sent.

  4. Click Search the stop lists.

  5. Look at the addresses in the block Search results:

    • if the address is in the list, mark it and press Delete address;
    • if the address is not on the list, but mailings are not delivered to it, file a ticket. In the ticket, specify the domain from which you are trying to send the email to this address.