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Connect Selectel mail service
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Connect Selectel mail service

For the domains you want to connect to the service, you need to create resource records in advance. Records must be created in the panel of the domain registrar that manages your domain. Once changed, DNS records can be updated for up to 72 hours.

If you need to connect the service for multiple domains, resource records must be created for each domain.

  1. Create DKIM-record.
  2. Configure DMARC record.
  3. Configure SPF record.
  4. Create a ticket to enable service.
  5. Configure SMTP sending.
  6. Optional: configure-processing-of-spam-complaints.

1. Create DKIM record

Once changed, DNS records can be updated for up to 72 hours.

  1. Authorize in the panel of the domain registrar that manages your domain.

  2. Create a new resource record.

  3. Specify the record type as TXT.

  4. Specify the name of the record:

    Here is the domain name.

  5. Enter the value of the record:

    v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKKBgQDCLdYrTXR9EHFuESawjkF3BNFN2eyrgayZ3u4qkrd4+Zy+sZcBuQXk5xcaKjNj7Z9WDoHscyp1oaN+hS3LMdCsZlBC168VUaexQzG10XnTvCIluWEtQAhF5Hoi2u9VJzZtLYcF/QhYlU6ZCbggnbJtdjquIfIHsxVvMzIKuqWo4wIDAQAB

2. Set up DMARC recording

Once changed, DNS records can be updated for up to 72 hours.

  1. Authorize in the panel of the domain registrar that manages your domain.

  2. If you already have a DMARC record, change the value of the p parameter to quarantine, for example:

    v=DMARC1; p=quarantine;
  3. If you don't have a DMARC record, create one:

    • record type — TXT;
    • record name is, here is the name of your domain;
    • value is v=DMARC1; p=quarantine;.

3. Customize SPF record

Once changed, DNS records can be updated for up to 72 hours. A domain can have only one SPF record.

  1. Authorize in the panel of the domain registrar that manages your domain.

  2. If you already have an SPF record, add an block to it, for example:

    v=spf1 ?all


    • — added block;
    • is an example of the rest of the contents of the entry.
  3. If you don't have an SPF record, create one:

    • record type — TXT;
    • record name is, here is the name of your domain;
    • record value is v=spf1 ?all.

4. Create a ticket to connect the service

  1. Create a ticket. In the ticket, specify the domain from which the mailings will be sent. If you want to restrict access by IP address, add a list of IP addresses.
  2. If DNS records are configured correctly, we will send in a ticket the data for sending e-mails via SMTP — server name, port numbers for sending, login and password for accessing the service. If you connect multiple domains, there will be a unique login and password for each.

5. Configure SMTP sending

You can use as the sender address any email address of the domain for which you have connected the mail service.

In the settings for the utility that your server uses to send mail, enter the data to send:

  • server name (hostname) —;

  • port:

    • port 1126 — if you need to establish a no SSL / STARTTLS connection;
    • port 1127 — if a TLS (SSL) connection is to be established.
  • login and password — use the data from the connection ticket. A separate login and password is created for each domain.

Example settings in the Selectel blog instructions How to set up sending mail via SSMTP.

Note possible errors in SMTP dialog.

6. Optional: customize spam complaint handling

To automatically unsubscribe domain addresses that have complained about spam, configure complaint acceptance in and enable forwarding of complaint reports to

Complaints from addresses of other email providers, such as Yandex or Gmail, are handled by Selectel mail service without additional settings.