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Connect the Selectel mail service
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Connect the Selectel mail service

  1. Create a resource.
  2. Create a TXT record to verify domain rights.
  3. Add domain to resource.
  4. Create a DKIM record.
  5. Configure DMARC record.
  6. Configure SPF record.
  7. Configure SMTP sending.
  8. Optional: configure spam complaint handling.

1. Create a resource

An unlimited number of domains can be added to a single resource. For all domains of the same resource, the same data is used to connect to the SMTP server. The statistics of the resource's mailing lists are displayed without a breakdown by domain.

You can create up to 10 resources in your account.

  1. In the [control panel]( /) go to the section Mail service.
  2. Click Create a Resource.
  3. Enter the name of the resource. The name can be any, it will be used only in the control panel.
  4. Click Create.

2. Create a TXT record

To add a domain to a resource, you need to first confirm the rights to it. To verify your rights, create a TXT record for the domain with a unique resource key. It may take up to 72 hours for the record to be distributed to caching servers.

  1. In the [control panel]( /) go to the section Mail service.
  2. Open the resource page → the Information tab.
  3. Copy the value into the Domain Ownership Verification Key field.
  4. Go to the domain registrar panel where your domain's resource records are stored.
  5. Create a new resource record for the domain.
  6. Specify the record type — TXT.
  7. Specify the name of the record — the name of your domain, for example, .
  8. Specify the value of the entry of the form 74f878e2-dia4-477a-ccc5-989f428173f9, you can see in the [control panel] ( /) in the section Mail service → resource page — tab Information → field Domain ownership verification key.

3. Add a domain to a resource

An unlimited number of domains can be added to a resource.

  1. In the [control panel]( /) go to the section Mail service.
  2. Open the resource page → the Information tab.
  3. In the block Linked Domains click Add.
  4. Enter the domain name for which created a TXT record, without specifying the protocol.
  5. Click Add.

4. Create a DKIM record

After the change, DNS records can be updated up to 72 hours.

  1. Go to the panel of the domain registrar that manages your domain.

  2. Create a new resource record.

  3. Specify the record type — TXT.

  4. Specify the name of the record:

    Here is the name of the domain that you added to the resource.

  5. Specify the value of the record, you can copy it to [control panel]( /) in the section Mail service → page of the resource to which the domain is linked → tab Information → domain card → line DKIM.

5. Configure DMARC recording

After the change, DNS records can be updated up to 72 hours.

  1. Go to the panel of the domain registrar that manages your domain.

  2. If you already have a DMARC record, change the value of the p parameter to quarantine, for example:

    v=DMARC1; p=quarantine;
  3. If you don't have a DMARC record, create one:

    • record type — TXT;
    • the name of the record is , here is the name of the domain that you added to the resource;
    • the value is v=DMARC1; p=quarantine;.

6. Configure the SPF record

After the change, DNS records can be updated up to 72 hours. A domain can have only one SPF record.

  1. Go to the panel of the domain registrar that manages your domain.

  2. If you already have an SPF record, add a block to it for example:

    v=spf1 ?all


    •  — added block;
    • is an example of the rest of the record content.
  3. If you don't have an SPF record, create one:

    • record type — TXT;
    • the name of the record is , here is your domain name;
    • the value of the record is v=spf1 ?all.

7. Configure SMTP sending

You can use any email address on the domain for which you have enabled the mail service as the sender's address.

In the settings of the utility that is used on your server to send mail, enter the data to send:

  • server name (hostname) — ;

  • port (port):

    • port 1126 — if you need to establish a no SSL/STARTTLS connection;
    • Port 1127 — if you need to establish a TLS (SSL) connection.
  • login (login) and password (password), can be viewed in the [control panel]( /) in the Mail service section → the page of the resource to which the domain has been added → the Information tab.

To set up mailings from the server to Linux via the sSMTP utility, use the instruction Configure sending mail via sSMTP on Linux.

Pay attention to possible errors in the SMTP dialog.

8. Optional: configure the processing of spam complaints

To automatically unsubscribe from the mailing list of the domain zone addresses from which spam complaints have been received, set up receiving complaints in and enable forwarding of complaint reports to .

Complaints from addresses of other mail providers, for example, Yandex or Gmail, are processed by the Selectel mail service without additional settings.