Fault-tolerant load balancer
A reverse proxy server (reverse proxy) that distributes Internet traffic between different Selectel services located in different regions and availability zones
The main things about the product
Principle of operation, usage scenarios, balancing levels
Conditions of Use
Legal document, basic rules of product usage Fault-tolerant load balancer
Payment Model
How to pay for the balancer, payment model, where to see prices
Network infrastructure
What networks we have and how they are organized
All about the product
General Information
Basic information about fault-tolerant load balancer: description, payment model and prices, how to opt out of load balancer
Connect the balancer
How to distribute the load between servers using a load balancer: combine servers into a private network, order a load balancer, check the load balancer's operation
Working with the balancer
How to change balancer settings, how to get logs
Additional materials
Blog Articles
Selectel specialists' experience in different formats, topics and headings
Academy Instructions
Installing and configuring systems and running popular tools
Academy courses
Product training materials
How we ensure security at different levels
Data centers
How our data centers are organized