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Set up an Internet connection from a third-party carrier

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You can only connect Internet from a third-party carrier to a dedicated or hosted server.

  1. Make sure you have connected the Direct Connect service — physical port.
  2. Assign the VLAN with the carrier port to the local port of your server.
  3. Configure the network interface of the private network.

Check the connection of the service

Check to see if the ticket you received a VLAN number when ordering the service, and this VLAN appears in the control panels → section Servers and hardwareNetwork → tab VLAN.

Assign a VLAN to the local port of the server

  1. В control panels go to Servers and hardwareNetwork.
  2. Open the tab VLAN.
  3. On the port line, click .
  4. Select the VLAN whose number you received when service order.
  5. Click Configure.

configure the network interface of the private network

  1. Connect to the server via SSH or through KVM console.

  2. Open the utility configuration file netplan word processor vi:

    vi /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml
  3. Add or change values for the network interface settings of the private network:

    addresses: [<ip_address>/<mask>]
    gateway4: <gateway>


    • <eth_name> — name of the network interface of the private network;
    • <ip_address>/<mask> — The public IP address of the server with a subnet mask, for example, You request the address for the server from the operator yourself;
    • <gateway> — The IP address of the gateway on the operator's subnet, for example, You request the gateway address from the operator yourself.
  4. Press the key ESC.

  5. Exit the text editor vi with the changes intact:

  6. Apply the configuration:

    netplan apply
  7. Optional: reboot the server.