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Create a CDN resource
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Create a CDN resource

A CDN resource is a grouped set of settings for distributing content cached on the CDN provider's servers.

Create a CDN resource

  1. В control panels go to CDNCDN resources.

  2. Click Create a CDN resource.

  3. Enter the name of the resource.

  4. Select a provider. Pay attention to distinguishing features of providers.

  5. If you want to give away content from your site, select Your source. and in the field Domain or IP address Specify the IP address or domain of your site, for example, or

  6. If you want to distribute content from a container to a object storage select Selectel Object Storageselect project and a content container for the CDN. Only public containers are available for selection. If the container is private and not shown in the list, you can change container type.

  7. If you have selected the Akamai provider, enter a name for the domain.

  8. Click Create a CDN resource. CDN provider will create default domain (kind of * for Selectel or * for Akamai) from which content will be distributed. You can view the default domain on the CDN resource page. After creating a share, you can connect a personalized domain.

Features of Selectel and Akamai providers

Points of PresenceSelectel Points of PresenceAkamai Points of Presence
Affordable types of domainsDefault domain of the form *.selcdn.netPersonal domainDefault domain of the form *.akamaized.netPersonal domain
Affordable types of TLS(SSL) certificates for distribution over HTTPSLet's Encrypt® Certificate
  • Personalized Certificate;
  • Let's Encrypt certificate (issued for all domains of the resource at once)
Service CertificateYou cannot add a TLS(SSL)-certificate