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View the status of a CDN resource
Last update:

View the status of a CDN resource


We are discontinuing support for the Akamai provider. Creating new Akamai CDN resources is not available, existing Akamai resources will cease to function and will be deleted on May 1, 2025. We recommend switching to a Selectel provider now to avoid website outages. To connect Selectel CDN, please use the instructions in the following section Connect CDN.

  1. В control panels from the top menu, press Products and select CDN.

  2. Look at the status in the CDN resource line. If the resource is hung in one of the statuses, file a ticket.

    CREATINGA CDN resource is created
    ACTIVECDN resource is up and running and available for modification
    UPDATINGCDN resource is updated after changes are made
    ERRORAn error occurred in the operation of the CDN resource. To correct the error, file a ticket
    DOWNCDN resource disabled