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Example of connecting Selectel CDN to a website
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Example of connecting Selectel CDN to a website

For your information

These are instructions for connecting a CDN to a site through a Selectel provider with content distribution through a personal domain.

  1. Create a CDN resource.
  2. Create a personalized domain for the CDN resource.
  3. Add a personal domain to a CDN resource.
  4. Replace the domain in the URL of static files.
  5. Check the CDN resource.

Create a CDN resource

  1. In control panel go to CDNCDN resources.
  2. Click Create a CDN resource.
  3. Enter a name for the resource. The name has no effect on the resource settings and is used only for operation in the control panel.
  4. Select a Selectel provider.
  5. Specify the source of content — the domain of your site, from where the CDN will take static files, for example
  6. Click Create a CDN resource. CDN provider will create default domain From which the content will be distributed. You can view the default domain in control panel under CDNCDN resources → resource page → tab General.

Create a personal domain for the CDN resource

  1. Open your DNS hosting control panel.

  2. Create a third-level domain, such as, This domain will be used as CDN personal domain for distributing content.

  3. Create a CNAME record:

    • record type is CNAME;
    • record name is a subdomain of the form;
    • value — default domain in the format * You can view the domain in control panels under CDNCDN resources → resource page → tab General. Specify the domain without the protocol.

Add a personal domain to a CDN resource

  1. In control panels go to CDNCDN resources.
  2. Open the CDN resource page → tab General.
  3. In the block Personal domains click Add domain.
  4. Specify the third-level domain that you set up as a personal.
  5. Click Connect.

Replace domain in URLs of static files

In the URLs of your site's static files, replace the site domain with a personal domain of the form cdn.example.comwhich added to the CDN resource:

  • if the site is on a CMS — use a plugin for URL replacement. For example, for a WordPress site use the W3 Total Cache plugin;
  • if the site is not on CMS — replace the URL in the site code.

Check CDN resource

  1. Make sure that at least 30 minutes have passed after all the settings — this time is necessary for the CDN resource to fully work.
  2. Open the file on the content source using a link of the form If the file doesn't load, the problem is on the side of your site.
  3. Open the file through the default domain using a link of the form * If the file does not download, check your CDN settings and Host header.
  4. Open the file through your personal domain using a link of the form If the object is not loaded, check if the CNAME record you added when you loaded the object is correct creating a personalized domain.