CDN is a geographically distributed network of caching servers that speeds up the delivery of static content to end users
Main product information
How content delivery system (CDN) works, Selectel and Akamai providers' points of presence
Payment model
How to pay for CDN, what is the payment model of CDN, where to see prices and consumption
Description of methods for working with CDN via HTTPS requests
All about the product
General information
Basic information about CDN: description, payment
Connect CDN
How to connect CDN to a site or object storage, how to set up integration with Wordpress via the W3 Total Cache plugin
Working with CDN resource
How to create a CDN resource, manage domains and TLS (SSL) certificates, view CDN resource status and other instructions
Working with content
How to set up caching, how to manage cached files, how to set up file and image compression, and other instructions
Diagnostics and recovery of CDN functionality
Additional materials
Blog Articles
Selectel specialists' experience in different formats, topics and headings
Academy Instructions
Installing and configuring systems and running popular tools
Academy Courses
Materials for product training
How we ensure safety at different levels
Data centers
How our data centers are organized