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Project — a group of account resources whose management can be isolated at the level of account users, their types and roles. Resources from the same project may be located in different regions, availability zones and pools. For some resources in a project, you can set a limit on the creation of — project limits and quotas.

In projects, you can only manage the resources of those products that support project work.

The first project (My First project) is created automatically at account registration in the control panel. If you must, delete this project и create a new.

You must select a project when ordering or creating a product. After ordering or creating a product, you can transfer resources to another project. The duration of the transfer depends on the product and the resource you want to transfer. For example, migrate cloud platform disks or migrate a dedicated server you can quickly, uh. cloud server migration will take you longer.

Project Management: User Types and Roles

Projects can be managed by users of all types:

To manage the project, the user must have:

  1. An appropriate role has been assigned. It defines which operations the user has access to. To determine which role is appropriate for a user, see subsection Comparison of roles in project management.
  2. A project has been added. For more information on how to add a project, see instructions Add project administrator и Add a project observer.

Comparing roles in project management

Владелец аккаунтаАдминистратор аккаунтаАдминистратор биллингаАдминистратор пользователейАдминистратор проектаНаблюдатель аккаунтаНаблюдатель проектаАдминистратор объектного хранилищаПользователь объектного хранилищаПодписчик
Создание ресурсов(только в своем проекте)(только в своем проекте)(если разрешено политикой доступа)
Просмотр созданных ресурсов(только в своем проекте)(только в своем проекте)(только в своем проекте)(только в рамках контейнера, если разрешено политикой доступа)
Создание, перенос и удаление проектов
Управление настройками проекта
Управление пользователями проекта
Управление лимитами и квотами проекта(только просмотр)

Selectel products that support work with projects

ResourcesProjectsQuotas and limits
Dedicated servers

Dedicated server

Dedicated Server Networks:

  • VLAN;
  • public and private subnets
Equipment placement
  • hosted server;
  • server rack

Hosted Server Networks:

  • VLAN;
  • public and private subnets
Cloud servers

Cloud platform resources:

  • cloud server;
  • vCPU;
  • GPU;
  • RAM;
  • local disks;
  • network drives;
  • snapshots;
  • placement groups;
  • a repository of his own images;
  • SSH keys for the project;
  • public subnets;
  • private subnets;
  • public IP addresses;
  • load balancers;
  • routers;
  • licenses;
  • backups;
  • firewalls


  • vCPU;
  • GPU;
  • RAM;
  • local disks;
  • network drives;
  • a repository of his own images;
  • public subnets;
  • public IP addresses;
  • load balancers

No quotas:

  • cloud server;
  • snapshots;
  • placement groups;
  • SSH keys for the project;
  • private subnets;
  • routers;
  • licenses;
  • backups;
  • firewalls
The manager of secrets
  • secrets;
  • custom certificates;
  • Let's Encrypt® Certificates
Cloud databases

Cloud platform resources:

  • DBaaS vCPU;
  • DBaaS RAM;
  • DBaaS local disks;
  • DBaaS dedicated cloud server;
  • DBaaS backups;
  • DBaaS public IP addresses;
  • public subnets;
  • private networks;
  • routers


  • DBaaS vCPU;
  • DBaaS RAM;
  • DBaaS local disks;
  • public subnets;
  • DBaaS public IP addresses

No quotas:

  • DBaaS backups;
  • private networks;
  • routers
Managed Kubernetes

Cloud platform resources:

  • Managed Kubernetes cluster is fault-tolerant;
  • Managed Kubernetes cluster basic;
  • vCPU;
  • GPU;
  • RAM;
  • local disks;
  • network drives;
  • public subnets;
  • private networks;
  • public IP addresses;
  • load balancers;
  • routers


  • Managed Kubernetes cluster basic;
  • Managed Kubernetes cluster is fault-tolerant.
  • vCPU;
  • GPU;
  • RAM;
  • local disks;
  • network drives;
  • public subnets;
  • public IP addresses;
  • load balancers

No quotas:

  • private networks;
  • routers
Container Registry

Cloud platform resources:

  • storage capacity;
  • outgoing traffic
Object Storage
  • storage capacity;
  • outbound traffic;
  • API requests (GET, HEAD, PUT, POST, COPY requests)
File storage

Cloud platform resources:

  • HDD file storage Basic;
  • SSD file storage Universal;
  • SSD file storage Fast
DNS hosting
  • zones;
  • resource records
Ready cloud 1C

1C cloud ready resources:

  • information base

Cloud platform resources:

  • 1C server cluster;
  • database cluster;
  • backup copies of information databases;
  • vCPU;
  • RAM;
  • local disks


  • information base;
  • 1C server cluster;
  • database cluster

No quotas:

  • backup copies of information databases;
  • vCPU;
  • RAM;
  • local disks
Mobile farmMobile farm devices