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Transfer services to another account
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Transfer services to another account

If a Selectel account has already been credited, it is not possible to reassign the account to another legal entity or individual, change the Account Holder's full name or TIN directly. Register a new account and transfer services to it.

You can transfer a few services or all services of an account. Restrictions:

  • If services are interconnected by a private network at L3 level using global router, they cannot be migrated individually — only all at once. In the receiving account, the connectivity between services will remain intact;
  • some services are only rescheduled with downtime — we will alert you in the ticket.

If the transferring account has services with a per-period payment model, the paid period is not retained when transferring. On the receiving account, the paid period starts immediately after the transfer.


Transferring services to another account takes up to 15 minutes.

  1. Register a new receiving account.

  2. Top-up the balance of the receiving account. The balance should not be less than the cost of services with a pay-per-per-per-period payment model that will be carried over.

    You can view infrastructure costs in dashboard under Billing OverviewExpense block.

  3. Create Tickets with a transfer request on behalf of users with the Account Owner role, from the transferring and receiving account and at least 24 hours before the transfer.

    In the ticket, specify:

    • the numbers of the sending and receiving account;

    • the date and time of the transfer. In some cases we will only be able to reschedule services Monday to Friday 10-00 to 19-00 — we will alert you in the ticket and arrange another time;

    • A list of services to migrate — including networks, subnets, and IP addresses. If you use a DNS hosting service, specify the domains to be transferred.

      If you are migrating a cloud platform project, specify its ID: in dashboard go to Cloud Platform → open the projects menu (current project name) → in the row of the desired project click .

  4. If you need to relocate equipment housed in Selectel, we will send in the ticket paperwork:

    • to the transferring account — acceptance certificate for returning the equipment;
    • to the receiving account — the acceptance certificate for acceptance of the equipment and the Terms and Conditions of Communication Services.

    Prior to the reschedule date, sign the documents, stamp and send scanned copies in the ticket.

  5. When the service transfer is complete, we will send a notification in a ticket.

  6. Issue a refund that remained in the transferring account.

    If the transferring and receiving accounts are registered to the same person, you can request a balance transfer — create a ticket and specify the numbers of the transferring and receiving account. We will send an application for balance transfer.

  7. Add additional users that were created in the sending account.