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Network volumes
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Network volumes

Network volumes are scalable block devices that can be easily transferred between cloud servers. They are suitable for scaling the server's volume space without changing the boot volume. Triple replication of volume volumes ensures high data security.

A network volume can be created together with a cloud server or created separately, and then create a server from it or connect to the server as an additional volume.

You can work with network volumes in the control panel, using OpenStack CLI or Terraform.

Features of network volumes

Types of network volumes

  • HDD Basic — HDD based on enterprise-class SATA drives. Suitable for storing large amounts of data that do not need to be read or overwritten frequently;
  • SSD Basic — SSD drive for tasks that do not require high read and write speeds. The bandwidth and IOPS are higher than the base HDD;
  • SSD Universal — SSD drive, suitable for use as a boot volume of a cloud server;
  • SSD is Fast — SSD NVMe is a volume with a shorter response time and higher operating speed compared to other types. It is suitable for loads that require high read and write speeds.

Volume types differ in recommended size limits, bandwidth values, and the number of read and write operations. For more information, see the table Network volume limits.

Different types of volumes are available in different pool segments. You can view the availability of types in the availability matrix Network volumes of the cloud platform.

You can view the list of type IDs and names in the List of network volume types subsection.

Network volume limits

The maximum size of bootable and additional network volumes, bandwidth values, and read/write limits in IOPS depend on the type of volume.

Volumes of the same type in different pool segments may have different limits. For example, if two network volumes with the SSD Universal type are located in different segments (the first volume in ru-1c, the second in ru—8a), their limits will differ.

HDD BasicSSD BasicSSD Universal
(ru-1a, ru-1b,
ru-1c, ru-2a,
Universal SSD
(ru-2b, ru-2c,
ru-7a, ru-7b,
ru-8a, ru-9a,
uz-1a, uz-2a,
SSD Fast
(ru-1a, ru-1b,
ru-1c, ru-2a,
ru-2b, ru-3a)
SSD Fast
ru-7a, ru-7b,
The maximum size
for a boot volume
is 500 GB500 GB2 TB5 TB2 TB10 TB
The maximum size
for an additional volume
is 10 TB10 TB10 TB10 TB10 TB10 TB
(4 MB blocks)
100 MB/s150 MB/s150 MB/s200 MB/s500 MB/s500 MB/s
Number of operations
(read, 4 KB blocks)
320 IOPS640 IOPS640 IOPS7000 IOPS12800 IOPS25000 IOPS
Number of operations
(recording, 4 KB blocks)
120 IOPS320 IOPS320 IOPS4000 IOPS6400 IOPS15000 IOPS

You can benchmark volume.

What affects performance

Different types of volumes have different IOPS values — the number of read and write operations per second. Creating and verifying a file system are procedures that require performing a certain number of volume reads and writes. The more productive the volume, the faster these operations are completed.

When the cloud server is first started, the file system on the system volume is "stretched" to the size of the volume. The larger the volume size and the lower its IOPS limits, the longer this process will take — therefore, the longer the cloud server will run.

The size of the file system affects the time to check its status in case of an emergency shutdown of the server. Verification is enabled by default for bootable (system) volumes of all servers that are created from ready-made images.

List of network volume types

To create network volumes via the OpenStack CLI and Terraform, the IDs or names of network volumes types are used. The IDs and names differ in pool segments.


For example, 94350392-3e5c-4b5a-8a51-873f02af833b is the ID, and—9a is the name for creating a network volume with the Basic SSD type in the ru-9a pool segment.

You can view a list of network volume types in all pool segments in the table or view a list of network volume types in a specific pool via the OpenStack CLI.

List of network volume types in all pool segments



  • ID — ID of the network volume type;
  • Name is the name of network volume type and pool segment in the format type.pool_ segment, for example Available types:
    • basic — the HDD type is Basic;
    • basicssd — Basic SSD type;
    • universal — Universal SSD type;
    • fast — the SSD type is Fast.

View a list of network volume types in a specific pool

  1. Open the OpenStack CLI.

  2. Look at the list of types:

    openstack volume type list

    Sample response for the ru-9 pool:

    | ID | Name |
    | 8ab097f3-3ffc-4fc4-9771-01fd512936eb | |
    | 94350392-3e5c-4b5a-8a51-873f02af833b | |
    | 52666f65-ec91-4c09-ad7e-207d10553e4a | |
    | a67bd670-633b-4c82-bb91-84058140aa05 | |


    • `ID' — ID of the network volume type;
    • Name is the name of network volume type and pool segment in the format type.pool_ segment, for example Available types:
      • `basic' — the HDD type is Basic;
      • `basicssd' — Basic SSD type;
      • `universal' — Universal SSD type;
      • fast — the SSD type is Fast.


Network volumes are paid using the cloud platform payment model.

Each GB of network volumes is charged. The cost depends on the network volume type, the size and pool segment in which it is located.

The size of the network volume can be viewed in the control panel in the Cloud PlatformVolumes section → volume row → Size column.

The cost of one GB of network volume can be viewed at .