Library go-selvpcclient and a console client python-selvpcclient can be used to work with Cloud Management API и Cloud Quota Management API: projects, quotas and other objects.
Install go-selvpcclient
Package go-selvpcclient contains a Go library.
To see examples of how to use the library, see selvpcclient documentation on
Download the package:
go get
Create a service user for authentication.
Install python-selvpcclient
Package python-selvpcclient contains the selvpc CLI console client.
To see examples of how to use the selvpc CLI, go to selvpcclient documentation on GitHub.
Set environment variables:
export SEL_TOKEN=<selectel_token>
export SEL_URL=
export OS_AUTH_URL=
— Selectel token (API key) that you received in step 1;OS_AUTH_URL
— address (URL) depends on the region and pool, you can look in the URL list.
Download the package:
pip install -U python-selvpcclient