Working with a load balancer
Manage load balancer operation
How to enable and disable the load balancer
Connect a public IP address
How to connect a public IP address to a load balancer, how to disconnect a public IP address from a load balancer
TLS(SSL)-certificates of the load balancer
Which certificates can be added to the load balancer, how to add multiple TLS(SSL)-certificates
Restrict access to the load balancer
How to restrict access to the load balancer from IP addresses
View the status of the load balancer
How to view load balancer status, list of statuses to track performance
Load balancer monitoring
How to export cloud load balancer metrics in Prometheus format and how to customize the dashboard in Grafana
View load balancer statistics
How to view statistics on the number of connections and the amount of traffic received and sent
Remove the load balancer
How to remove a load balancer